Chapter 22

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author pov

With each step Taehyung took towards the east wing his heart ached. He wished to forget what aera had said. I know she is just there alone. She has to be. He wanted to believe it but he knew aera, with the tone she spoke he knew she was not bluffing.

It took him some time to reach the wing. As he entered the dark corridor came in his sight, not a single soul in sight, just darkness embracing every corner. With heavy steps, he made it to the end where the guards came into sight, the door to the chamber, the golden knob which reflected in the darkness.

"has..has Minister Jimin left yet?" He tried to keep his voice as stable as possible but failed. He got his answer when both the guards shook their heads as a no. Maybe Aera was right. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. his hand reached for the knob, slowly twisting it he opened the door.

Only a few candles were lit inside, he could figure out the furniture lying in the room. Taehyung moved inside, closer to the bed where he only saw one figure lying down. Removing the curtains of the canopy he saw her, finally after weeks.

Her honey-like skin glowed, her soft cheeks pressed against the mattress, and the duvet covered her body, her naked body. "taehyung...." he heard a male voice calling out his name. Turning to the source of the voice he saw the person whom he once considered his dearest friend in the middle of fixing clothes. "you...what-" his voice shivered.

"Before you misunderstand anything, listen to me" Jimin tried to make taehyung listen but his efforts went in vain.

"listen? Listen to you after you touch my woman? Do you have no shame? Fucking the woman your best friend is in love with? Have you stooped so low?'' Taehyung's voice raised. He stood closer to Jimin than before. "taehyung lower your voice, y/n is sleeping"

"How could you do this to me? Among all the things you could have done to hurt me, you had to do this? You had to rip my heart out like it's nothing? I know you did something to her. She could never do this in her senses, she loves me she could never. You bastard, did you take advantage of her?" Taehyung growled and pushed Jimin until Jimin was pinned to the wall with Taehyung's hand around his neck.

"I did not take advantage of her, I could never" Jimin tried to speak in between trying to breathe. "How dare you touch her? you fucking bastard" taehyung shouted and pulled Jimin off before slamming his body onto the brick walls once again.

"Stop it"

A feminine voice spoke, sleek shorter hands wrapped around Taehyung's, trying to let go of his grip on Jimin. "You are hurting him, let go" she voiced once again. Her eyes stuck on the hands that were choking another man.

"y/n..." Taehyung breathed out, his grip loosened and his eyes were fixed on her. Her body was covered in a satin robe. "Love.." he whispered and turned to face her, his hands reaching to cup her cheek.

Moving close he brought their foreheads together. "Please, please tell me it's a lie" he whispered. Taehyung's eyes were closed, his hands shivered, and his whole body was at the point.

y/n's lips parted but nothing came out, there was utter silence in the whole room. "I should leave.." Jimin broke the silence and softly said while fixing his appearance before stepping out of the room.

"Don't you dare enter this room ever again if you don't want to be killed" taehyung sternly spoke, this time his eyes looking deep into y/n's. His gaze made y/n aware of his anger, his rage towards Jimin.

He made sure his words reached both of them and that y/n understood he was not bluffing. The room opened with a creek and closed with a thud. "Did he touch you?" Taehyung asked, his eyes boring into y/n's. She shook her head but Taehyung had a hard time believing it.

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