Chapter 23

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y/n pov 

I and taehyung were still in the bed, holding each other close. heat radiating off his body, our bare skins touched sending tingles. "so what do we do about aera? the war and everything?" I asked and continued grazing my fingers gently through his disheveled hair.

 "way to ruin the mood" taehyung grumbled and rolled to the other side, leaving me cold. "I will come up with something dont worry," he said and stood up for my eyes to take in all the glory. his body was sculpted with patience, his tan skin glowed under the sunlight, and his back muscles tensed making them look broader.

 "come back in bed" Before I knew it the words had rolled off my tips, not that I regretted it. taehyung turned giving me a look at his front which was as pretty as his back. he stood in front of me all bare.

 "as much as I would love to jump back in bed with you, I have a bitch to take care of. now if you are done staring at my dick like that I could jump in the shower with you" he said and crawled on top of me, his one leg still hanging off the edge of the bed. 

I grinned at him and leaned to place a peck on his lips which turned into a proper kiss, involving tongue. "I would love that" I mumbled against his lips to which he responded by lifting me and carrying me towards the bath. 

time skip 

I was still not 'allowed' to leave the fucking chambers. taehyung said he couldn't act solely on emotions. since the whole administration made the decision, taehyung could not act alone. not only that he had to talk to aera. sure I was annoyed but I felt better after knowing taehyung was on my side and no one else's. once again I had nothing to do so I just wandered in the room, noticing things I had missed in the last couple of weeks, gazing down the window. 

taehyung pov 

I was currently in the courtroom, seated on my throne while the other ministers sat in their places. aera and Her Highness were also present, at the steps below comfortably seated. "What is the status of the war?" I asked the royal guard who stood behind our court advisor. 

"Your Highness, the situation at the borderline keeps on worsening. if we delay anymore we will be at a disadvantage" he spoke making me rub my temples. if this situation had arisen before y/n had ever come into the picture I know one marriage would have solved everything, not only that but made things better in terms of resources for the kingdom.

 but I couldn't do that. As much as it was an easy way out, there was no way I was getting involved with aera in any way especially after finally i had something in my life to fight for. if it was gonna take a war to keep y/n at my side then be it. 

there will be a fucking war. "has the king replied to any of our letters?" I asked, determined to find another way out. "yes, but only one, where he had mentioned the option of marriage. the rest he is turning a blind eye to it, unwilling to listen to other alternatives. the king demands our land, either through war or marriage." I groaned. There was just no way. It was either that fucking marriage or losing everything in a war.

 "invite the king for any sort of negotiation. till then I ask of you all to lift miss y/n's...isolation." I announced to which many ministers gave me a look. "let me rephrase that. I demand you all. everyone is going to sign that petition, if anyone objects they can talk to me about it" I said and stood up, not wanting to put up with all this nonsense. I walked down the steps and across the room to the door. 

the guards and advisor by my side. we went into my study to analyze the way and to come up with anything possible. after 1 hour, we came to two conclusions: either I give in to the king's demands or I marry area. I can't do either. 

according to my advisor,  this is an unnecessary war one we dont need to fight and lose our men. "give me a day or two, for now, invite over Min's king" After I dismissed them I sat at my table, my head in my hands and my elbows resting on the wood. I had tried my best to make y/n understand my situation but there is no way a woman can be understanding about her man marrying someone.

 I won't lie, this is an easy way out, one where my kingdom loses nothing but I lose my world, my life, my everything. taking a deep breath I stood up and went to meet a few ministers to ask them if by any chance we have a one shot at winning. no matter what I am willing to take it if it means I get to have y/n by my side. 

time skip 

the whole fucking day was a disappointment. every person I went to, every time I thought by myself only one conclusion, marry the fucking enemy. As much as I hate to do the deed, there seems to be no other way. the only person on my mind, the person I had to see right now or I may just die from missing her so much. 

I was already in front of the door, my hands twisting the knob and when I opened the door it was pitch black in the room. only a couple of candles were lit by the bed on the side tables. I could figure out y/n's figure which leaned on the bed head, her body was covered with the duvet. 

"Love, what is going on?" I asked, my voice as soft as possible. I walked closer and closer till my sight had y/n. She looked at me with a smile, her face had mischief written all over it. she wanted to do something, something thrilling for her. 

her hands held the duvet against her chest. that's when I realized. she was naked. just one piece of cloth between me and her sweet beautiful body. "love, do you want to lift that for me?" I asked, my voice deeper than ever. my throat bobbed with anticipation. 

my dick was brought to life at the mere thought of her nakedness. only a minute and I had already thought of all the things I was going to do to her. "you left me in the bed, I was upset." she finally spoke and brought the duvet lower. 

"and that's how you chose to torture me? baby, remove it" I asked with a sterner voice. if she loved walking she was going to remove that cloth otherwise, not even god could save her from me. She sat up and reached for me, the fucking duvet still in place.

 her hand touched the crown that sat on my head. "it's pretty" she whispered and pressed her body against mine. "want it?" I removed the crown and placed it on her head, setting it so it didn't fall off. 

"beautiful" I whisper and grab her neck with one hand while the other went to her waist. "have this on while I fuck you tonight" I kissed her. hard. Our lips were fucking made for each other, they fit in together so perfectly. her hot tongue was heaven against mine.

 "fuck baby, I can't get enough of you" I groaned. the pain was immense. I need her, now. my hands groped her breast and were successful in removing the duvet. finally. her hands worked on removing my clothes. my mouth worked on hers. not wanting to wait anymore I pushed her on the bed and followed.

my hands were just about to go south when we heard a knock. I looked up to see y/n staring at me "You could ignore it" she whispered and sat up so her hand could touch my dick. she gently squeezed it in her palm making me groan. the knocks repeated. "get dressed we will continue this later" I whispered and got myself off the bed. 

I am a king. that's enough reason to get out of the bed. 

 after fixing the clothes, I opened the gate to see two guards standing there. "what is it?" 

"King of min kingdom has arrived" 

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