Chapter 25

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Y/n pov
Many comforted themselves with the delusion that the next day might be better, the next day might bring some light in our lives but for me, the next day brought pain and agony.

It had been less than 24 hours since I got the news that the love of my life would marry someone else. Since the morning I had managed to pull on a smile and walk beside taehyung.

That was his condition, he was going to marry another but have me by his side at all times.

I wouldn't say I liked it.

I would rather poke my eyes out than look at this scene

The king and his staff pick out wedding decor. the soon-to-be-married couple stood side by side, while I walked 3 steps behind taehyung. it wasn't because he had asked me to, instead, taehyung was clingy the whole time but since Jimin was accompanying us I decided to walk with him. taehyung kept throwing us glances, trying to be discreet but I saw him—10 times in 5 minutes. 

"Are you sure you are fine?" jimin whispered beside me while everyone selected the flowers for the tables, something we picked out the first thing this morning. 

"I am fine-" my words were cut off short by aera squealing "We have to get the roses" aera was busy gawking at the beautiful bouquet of roses. but for me, the tulips caught my eye. sure roses are pretty but these tulips looked way too pretty to be ignored. I took a few steps so that I was in front of the bouquet and raised my hand to caress the petals. 


"We are getting the tulips" 

I would be lying if I said my heart did not flutter. taehyung disregarded his wife and went with my choice, his mistress. I smiled slightly and turned to look at a raging aera. "let me remind you, your Highness, you are marrying me not her."

"the agreement was I would marry you, it is just a mere contract we will sign, I never said I would do it happily. As for the flowers, I prefer the tulips"

with each step, taehyung came closer to where I stood until he was right behind me. he placed one hand on my waist and the other under my chin to make me look at him. leaning in closer his lips touched mine and kissed me deeply. it felt as if I was eating his words, I could feel it radiating from his body what this kiss meant. 

she is the one. always. 

and he had done that in front of his wife. it made me happy for some reason.

I circled my hands around his neck and pulled him closer to deepen the kiss-if possible. no one dared to look at us except aera-obviously- everyone had their eyes glued to the floor and were scared to look at their king making out in the middle of important matters. 

alas, we both had to stop when the royal guard cleared his throat and a guard who had entered the room stood beside him. The newly arrived guard came closer to taehyung and whispered in his ears. I could hear them but my mind was focused on Taehyung's neck- it looked tempting, way too tempting. 

I leaned in and placed a few kisses along his jaw before moving down to his neck, his spot just below the ear. I heard him take a sharp breath and tighten his grip around me. I did not stop, not until the guard moved back and took his place beside the royal guard. 

"Control yourself, love"

"I tend to lose that around you"

I smiled and placed another kiss near his lips. 

"Just try for a short while. I need to attend to some matters, till then entertain yourself with something"

"you entertain me, in whatever way you wish"

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