Chapter 20

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We were lying on the bed after cleaning ourselves up. My head was on his chest, our legs entangled, one of his hands was under his head while the other one made figures on my thigh.

"Do you think this could last forever?" I whispered gently against his skin. "You and I are forever," he replied and placed a kiss on the crown of my head.

"That's not what I meant, could we just lie in bed in each other's embrace, make love to each other, and just be with each other? Why do you have to be a king?" I said and turned to look at him.

"I wish the same but that is not possible, love. I am a king, one with responsibilities"

"Don't remind me of the responsibilities, I am very well aware of them" I huffed and rolled my eyes to present my annoyance. "Don't do that" he says and supports his upper body on his elbows to get a proper view of me.

"Do what?" I ask and roll off of him. "Make me feel guilty. I promised you I would find my way out but-" Not wanting to hear another word from him I cut him off "Yes yes I know, we already had his conversation. Let's just sleep our worries away hmm" I said and got comfortable on my side of the bed, completely separating myself from him.

It wasn't even 5 minutes when I felt his hands wrap around my waist and whisper into my ears

"Stop looking at me as if I am the villain"

Next morning

I was seated at the dining table across from Aera with her highness beside her and Taehyung at the beginning of the table. To add to my misery once again lord kang joined us, though one thing seemed different about him.

The jewels which once covered his neck were no longer there. I smirked thinking it must be Taehyung's doing.

We were silently eating when Aera decided to break the silence and make my ears bleed. "When are the wedding preparations going to start?" She asked, "It is not yet confirmed," Taehyung replied without bothering to look at her. 

"Ah, I did hear the news but couldn't believe my ears. Congrats your Highness on the wedding" lord Kang barked beside me and gave me a sly smile. I gripped the fork so tightly that my knuckles went white.

"Would that mean you will get kicked out of his highness's bed? That gives us a perfect opportunity to get you in mine, doesn't it?" I saw red. By that, I don't just mean the anger but I actually saw red, dripping down my fingers onto the lavish carpet. I felt it, I felt the flesh getting slashed, and I heard the silent noises.

Everyone was shocked, taehyung was standing when I did what I did. I dragged my hand across which led to more red spurting out. His body fell on the table with a thud, aera screamed and called me a lunatic but I only smiled.

"Dare anyone make a comment, their fate will end up like this," I said and got up. I looked at Taehyung to see him looking at me with an expression I couldn't read, but I noticed the glint of disappointment. "Guards, take the body and prepare for a funeral"

In Taehyung's chambers

"What the hell was that?" Taehyung roared when he entered the chambers and looked at me with a pinning look. "His words got on my nerves" I replied and sat down on the couch with my hands beside my lap. "So what, you killed him? Are you out of your mind?" he shouted and pushed his hair back in frustration.

"Look who's talking? You are the one who said you will kill him. I only took the matter in my hands " I shouted back and pointed towards myself.

"You only got blood on your hands. y/n don't you understand you killed someone, you took someone's life. I understand what lord kang did to you, your anger towards him is justified-"

"Are you taking his side? Side of the man who fucking assaulted me? That cheapless monster?" I said and stood up to get to his level and hold his gaze.

"I had a plan. I was going to first arrange everything-" he was talking when I interrupted him.

"Arrange what? More luxuries for him? A better room for him to stay in? I don't even know why he was still in the palace"

"He has a family for god sake. After his death, everything goes to the first wife, not the second one. The second one gets nothing. I was going to arrange papers so she gets some of his land for survival but before I could do that you stabbed his neck with a fucking fork" he groaned and turned away from me. 

"What do you mean? You-you never told-d" I stuttered as his words sank in. "His family did nothing wrong, they don't have to suffer for his deeds. I could have managed to get contest from him in one way or another but his dead body is nothing to me" he said

"But you are the king-g y-ou could-"

"No, I can't, the king is not above the law. The possession of land lies within lord kang and nothing can be done. I can't meddle in someone else's marriage "Taehyung sighed and stood beside me, holding onto my hands he made me sit back on the couch.

"You never-r tol-d me th-is" I whispered. Guilt, regret, and disgust were taking over me. I looked down at my hands which were covered in blood, lord kang's blood.

I tried rubbing them but nothing happened, I rubbed them harder, but still nothing. I didn't know tears were already rolling down my cheeks. 'I-i didnt-t know...I did that for-r my-self" i tried to speak between the sobs.

" I know I said I was getting better but still I hear my cries, I remember it all" I cried, harder and harder until my chest ached. "I am sorry please-e forgive me" I turned to taehyung as he looked at me with pitiful eyes.

"Love, many people saw what you did. I doubt Aera will keep quiet about this, she will use it against you" he softly whispered and held onto my hands. "I will see what I can do, hmm. Now stop crying and clean up, you have blood over your clothes" he said and pecked my lips.

Time skip

Taehyung had summoned me to the courtroom, that's where I was headed. I was not aware that Aera and her Highness were there too until arrival. They were shooting me daggers with just one gaze.

I wanted to look unbothered but I was shaken to my core. I was going to walk to Taehyung when he showed me his hand and signaled me to stand there only. Aera and her Highness were seated on the seats where ministers usually sat.

"After an agreement among the royals we have reached the conclusion of keeping Min y/n, titled as my...mistress to stay in the east wing until a further decision as she is considered...dangerous to the lives of the ones in the palace" taehyung finished his sentence "what?" I shouted and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Is this some kind of sick joke?" I asked and looked at Aera who had walked over to me. "I told you, it won't be long before you stop warming his bed" She smiled and patted my back. 

One foot towards her and guards were there at my side holding onto me. "Let go of me," I said but they didn't and remained still. "Tae" I called for him but he said nothing. "Take her to the east wing" he ordered the guards as they bowed and tried to hold onto me tightly.

"But that is for the fucking prisoners. Are you seriously going to put me in the dungeons with some prisoners?" tears crept into my eyes. "You will be kept in the chambers, don't worry about that. Guards take her away" and they did. Guards led me to the east wing and looked me up in one of the abandoned chambers.

The dust was evidence no one resided in them for years. "I fucking hate you Kim taehyung" I shouted and knocked off one of the boxes kept there.

Taehyung pov

"I did what you asked me to but you won't dare go near her," I say with a blank face

"Don't worry she will get to live, maybe"

"Aera you won't hurt her. You asked me to get her out of my chambers and I did, now it's your turn to keep your end of the deal" 

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