chapter 2

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At night
You were lying on the mattress and staring blankly at the ceiling. You were drowned into your own thoughts.

Your hand holding a small glass filled with alcohol one of the maids sneaked in. You took a sip of it as the burning taste hit your buds, making you slightly groan.

"Just a few more months, then I can leave" you mumbled to yourself and turned to the other side with your head on your palms.

Your brows furrowed as you noticed a shadow at the door and the door knob turning. You stood up and waited for the person to come in, it must be another maid or royal guard.

But both of your guesses were wrong, the door slowly opened as the person stumbled and fell on the floor.

You could smell the strong scent of alcohol, making a disgusting face when you went closer to the person and shook his shoulders.

He raised his head as your eyes widened. "Your highness, what are you doing here? Do you want something? You could have called me" you say in one breath as he comes closer and sits in front of you.

"You speak a lot, one of the reasons I don't like you" he says, making you look at him in disbelief, it was too obvious he didn't like you but you obeyed all his orders and did them without any complaint.

"And yes, I want something but I didn't know who to go to so I came to you. I tried, I really did to hate you but..." his voice lowers down as you look at him with a tilted head and arched brow.

He comes closer to you, his face only inches apart, his dark gaze stuck on your lips as your breath hitches.

"B-but what, your highness?" you asked with a quick breath because of the closeness.

"But...look at this face, so innocent, so flawless. This slight shine you have in your eyes means you still have hope, hope life can be better than this. That slight shine makes me want to....." he mumbles and places his lips on yours and kisses you softly.

The way his lips moved fastly on yours, you could feel the lust just from one kiss. He moved closer and made you fall back on the mattress without breaking the kiss.

His body pressed against yours. "I-i, your highness-" you tried to speak but he didn't let you.

"Let me be, don't worry I won't hurt you" he says as you still hesitate but you had to obey him.

"But-" you again tried to speak but he cut you off with a long chaste kiss. "No other word now, please. Let me, just for tonight, I want to forget the loneliness that swells in my heart, for once I want to forget the coldness of my bed and let your warmth embrace me" he whispers, his voice deep as ocean, his voice was a melody to anyone's ears.

His words felt genuine. As if he meant but your hatred ran deeper. No matter how much you wanted to push this man away, your body betrays you. Your body welcomes him, you allow yourself to feel pleasure, happiness for one night. Just this once.

He moved down to your jawline and collarbone, sucking and biting on your skin as a soft moan let out when he sucked on your sweet spot.

He smirked and moved further, slowly removing your clothes, growing impatient because of the layers he had to remove to get a look at your bare body. As he finally did so, his gaze landed on your bare bosoms, his eyes growing darker at the sight.

His hands are eager to touch them, and he does. He places wet kisses along the passage between them.

You shuddered under his touch and gripped his hair. Taking your erected bud in his mouth he flicked your nipple and slightly bit it.

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