chapter 4

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Next day
You placed the first and the last bag on the floor and looked around the room. It was huge, bigger than yours, it had beautiful wooden furniture,the chandelier in the middle made it all look beautiful.

"I know my choice is amazing, you can stop staring now. You will have enough time to do that" a deep voice behind you spoke, making you startle at the sudden voice.

He came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, his face hid in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent.

"It feels good to have you here, to be honest" he mumbled against your skin. "Thank you, your highness for letting me stay here" you reply, your skin burning where his hands lie.

You got out of his grip and took your bag to the closet. "You can keep your clothes in the last wardrobe" you heard him shout from the bedroom.

Placing your clothes in the wardrobe he said you sighed and placed your hands behind your neck.

"1 week y/n, just a few more days and i will be halfway there" you sighed and pulled yourself together.

Entering the bedroom you noticed him settled on his desk, a book in his hands. You stared at him for a few seconds before deciding your next move.

Slowly making your way towards him you stood behind him and leaned down to wrap your hands around his neck and place your head on his shoulder.

"May I ask what you are reading, your highness?" you softly asked. "You seem to be a lot more interested in what I do for the past few days, don't tell me miss y/n you are falling for me?" he whispered back as your body stiffened at his words.

Fall in love? With him? Never. "You misunderstood my intentions, your highness, I was just asking" you slightly chuckled to cut through the sudden change of tension in the room.

"Well, i should warn you, it will hurt if you fall for me" he whispers and turns his head in your direction.

His eyes meet yours, as you both deeply stare in each other's eyes, piercing through each other's soul, trying to read the person in front.

"I guess that's enough talking for now..." you whisper while leaning towards his lips, your hot breath fanning over his red soft cherry like lips.

A slight smirk forms on his face as he notices you putting your body closer to his till you are seated on his lap comfortably.

His hands grip your waist tightly and pull you towards him. "You sure are a feisty one" he mumbles and places his lips on yours.

Time skip
Taehyung lets out a deep sigh before saying to the guard "ask the ministers to gather in the court. I would like to have a meeting with them" he stands up from his place and makes his way out of his study.

Meanwhile you were wandering around the room, going through his shelf and other stuff. You picked a book from the shelf and started exploring it.

Suddenly the door opened revealing a man in his mid 20s with a playful grin on his face "Taehyung-" he shouted as you flinched at the sudden voice making the book in your hand fall on the ground with a thud.

You immediately crouched down to pick it up when you felt someone's hand coming in your view, reaching out for the same book.

"I am sorry if I startled you. I was looking for taehyung" the man softly said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh i- umm..highness isn't here at the moment" you stutter as his lips form an 'o'.

"Do you know where he is?" he asks, as you shake your head as no.

slightly pouting at your response he stands up and reaches out his hand for you. "I am sorry for barging in like that, but may I ask your name?" he says with a raised brow, "min y/n" you shortly reply as he nods and forwards his hand for a greeting.

"I am park jimin, nice to meet you y/n" he smiles at you, you noticed how his eyes disappeared when he smiled, the soft expression over his face, completely different from taehyung.

"Cute" you mumble under your breath but he fails to hear you. "What are you doing in my room?" a cold deep voice speaks from behind jimin, as you are brought out of your thoughts.

"I was just looking for you but instead i found this pretty lady" jimin exclaimed and brought the back of your hands close to his lips, pecking them softly he gave you a small smile.

Hearing his words, blush crept on your cheeks as you looked down in embarrassment. Taehyung had seemed to notice that his gaze travelled up and down on your figure as he noticed your change in behaviour,placing your hair behind your ear, a thing you do when flustered.

"You never mentioned her before, who is she?" Jimin asked as you slowly lifted your head, wanting to hear taehyung's answer.

"She is my new maid, she must be cleaning. Let her be, i want you to join today's meeting" he said and turned on his heels leaving you shook from his words.

"If that's what you say" Jimin replied and followed him while you were left behind dumbfounded.

"What was I expecting? In Front of others he still treats me like I am nothing." You scoffed and took a few deep breaths.

"Don't forget why you are here y/n. You are meant to hate him, the person who ruined your life" you said to yourself and went out of the room too.

Taehyung pov
Jimin is the closest I've ever had to a friend. I know I would end up spilling everything to him, but not now. Not when more important things required my attention.

I knew him better than anyone, I knew what he was like. He loves female attention but he gave his only to a few. He was the ideal man for any woman. I knew he was interested when Jimin tried to flirt with her. I shrugged off the idea and tried to stop my mind from wandering.

We made our way to the court when I noticed a few ministers talking about something right in front of the court gate.

I showed the guards my hand, stopping them from saying anything.

"Who does he think he is? Calling a meeting all of a sudden, we have other jobs too. And given the situation right now, calling us out of the blue wont help '' one of them said

"I know, he really lives up to the rumours. Arrogant rude jerk, what does he think of himself? He uses us like we are pawns on his board game" the second one scoffed as they made their way inside.

"Get me details about these two later" I said to the royal guard as he nodded. "Don't take it seriously, they are just and pissed at the sudden meeting that's it" jimin assures me but his sweet talk doesn't work on me.

Making my way inside I sat down on my throne as everyone bowed before taking their seats.
Taehyung pov end

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