Chapter 17

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y/n pov

I always wondered what my father was guilty of, what turned him into the person he was but now finally I have my answers.

Mr. Min POV (his diary)

That night I had managed to escape without getting caught but I lost track of the soldier. I tried to find him but apparently, he had left the kingdom. I tried to escape but the borders were closed, no soul could come in or leave. I did everything I could but everything went in vain. No money could get me out of here.

It has been 15 years since I have been stuck here. The king never sent anyone to get me out of here. The money I had, finished a long time ago and now I was drowned in debt. I failed, I failed as a father. I shouldn't have brought y/n ever with me into this hellhole. Now she is suffering with me. The prince was now old and he claimed that he could recognize the assassin but I doubt it.

I can't bear the guilt, I can't afford to live here. I am nothing but a burden on my daughter. Her father who drinks, gambles, and borrows money in the hope of being able to leave, had done nothing but disappoint her. I have no idea what to do, I can't leave, I can't surrender. Surrender. y/n is 20 now, she is old enough to look after herself. I could....

Till today i didn't have the guts but today is the day I make things right. Today, using work as an excuse I will leave and surrender myself. I couldn't tell y/n where I really was going, I would die out of shame. I was meant to be an honorable father, who could support her daughter but I was way far from that.

But no more, I would free her from such a person who can't even take care of himself. y/n, you have no idea how much your father loves you, honey. I would do anything for you and your happiness, even if it meant I had to remove myself, the only hurdle to achieving your dreams.

You are bound to me for no reason, taking care of this old man, who does nothing but drowns in his own guilt. You are free now. I won't burden you anymore.

Diary end

It all made sense now, why he was so miserable. I was confused. Confused, about whether I should feel sympathy for Taehyung for what he went through or still feel that anger I felt for him.

No human deserves to be treated the way he was but nothing gives him the right to treat me like he was. I guess we both had hearts, scarred for life and we had to live with it.

I doubt I will ever be able to love him with my whole heart just like he claims to do, I won't be able to give him my heart, not when my mind and heart are wrapped around this damned past of mine. I guess it will never be easy when it comes to him, it's meant to be this messy and complicated.

y/n pov end

Taehyung pov

The whole time I narrated the story my heart couldn't stop thumping loudly, it felt as if breath was stuck in my throat.

As soon as I stepped out I allowed my body to fall against the wall. I let myself breathe. I couldn't bear the thought of y/n hating me forever, I know my past won't change her opinion of me but whatever it takes.

I pull myself together get up from the ground and make my way towards the courtroom. All the ministers were gathered there along with aera and Her Highness. They stood up once I entered and sat on my throne.

They all seated while one remained standing, "Your Highness, I fear I bear some bad news. Our western frontiers have been attacked by none other but the min kingdom. If we don't retaliate soon they will end up having the upper hand" the minister spoke.

In an instant, my eyes drifted to aera that looked unbothered. "What is this? I believe that in our older alliance, no kingdom would attack the other one, "I said.

"You really thought that father would go with that? He wants this land, the resources this land produces, and the wealth of this kingdom. You need to propose a better alliance to stop him from conquering the Kims."

aera spoke and stood up to leave the place but how could she leave without making a threatening remark "Your Highness you should come up with something quick before worse happens"

"Your Highness we need to come up with something quick. The troops are slowly beginning to enter our lands; we can't afford any more delay. An action must be taken" one of the ministers spoke with a worried tone

"Send a message to the king of min kingdom, offer them some money and a share of the resources" I answered back and rubbed my temples. We are stronger than the mins, we had the numbers but they had the brains.

Min kingdom never lost a war in their history of battles, they always won thanks to their dirty tricks and witty minds. I had no doubt that they would do the same with us.

We sure do have a chance at winning this war they just declared but I fear rivers of blood will flow. "Instead of this stupid offer that will shut them up only for a couple of months at the most there's a better way to put an end to this rivalry" the annoying voice of my dear stepmother barked. "And that would be?" I asked, ready to lend her an ear.

"Marry Princess Aera"

Taehyung pov end

It was night and I was lying on the soft mattress, engulfed in the warmth of the duvets. A smile crept on my face. I felt better tonight, it felt like things were going to get better.

The candles were already put off and darkness crept in each corner of the room. It wasn't long before I felt a weight beside me, which happened to be taehyung. "You are late" I whispered, his hands wrapped around my waist.

"Have you given us a thought?" he softly asked, making me furrow my brows at the sudden question but I answered nonetheless. "Yes, I also read the diary you sent me"

"What did you decide?" he asked, his lips hovering just above my neck. I felt a hot breath on the back of my neck, giving me goosebumps. I almost forgot that I had to reply back.

"I am scared. It won't be easy to forget about everything and move on like nothing happened but..."


"But I am willing to give us a chance..just like you said it's us against the world" as I finished my sentence I felt wet on my neck, was he crying? Why? But I did not ask him, I believed he might have been feeling happy or relieved that I had agreed to give him a chance but oh boy was I wrong. 

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