Chapter 24

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taehyung pov 

the king of Min kingdom was here and he had requested y/n's presence along with mine. i had no idea why he wanted to meet her but maybe the fact she is the daughter of the assassin he sent to kill my parents should be enough of a reason. 

but kings dont care about such things. 

I and y/n walked down the halls to a gathering room. our way here I held y/n's hand and kept telling her how to deal with him 

"Whatever bait he gives, tries to agitate you or tries to make you emotional ignore it. dont utter a word unless necessary, he will use your words against you. And dont you dare be scared or anything, I am right there, behind you" 

I looked into her eyes. 

gosh, those eyes. 

they were so fucking beautiful. they glowed with innocence and I wanted to protect it, protect that spark in her eyes from the evils of the world. I would use myself as a fucking shield to keep her away from the demons. 

the things I would do for this woman. the lengths I would go to make her the happiest woman in the world. 

"dont worry about me, I will be fine. maybe he just wants to see your mistress" she says with an eye roll. a gesture I was hoping to see tonight but under different circumstances. 

"I know you will be fine, but i can't help but worry" My hands gently grip the back of her neck and tug slowly so we are closer. 

I kiss her and after pulling away, leave a peck on the forehead. I just couldn't get enough. 

"shall we?" I whisper and hold out my hand for her, so we can walk in together. which we did and were met with the king seated on a couch, beside him stood two guards with their heads high. our servants had already served him delicacies to keep him occupied. moving in I sat in front of him on the couch facing his. 

y/n moved to stand behind, like all other servants and guards but I gripped her wrist and tugged on her so she sat beside me. 

"The reason behind your presence in my court unannounced?" 

"just wanted a look at the young king who was stupid enough to fight me. I hate to break it to you son, but you won't win. at first, when I heard of you fighting back I thought it was the youth in you, the challenging, brave side of yours, and one of the perks of being young but later when I learned of the information of the new woman you got warming your bed. I got to say, I am impressed." when he was done rambling nonsense, he finished his sentence with a chuckle and grabbed the chalice to take a sip of the contents, most probably wine. 

"you have got some nerve to shame me in my court. I could easily execute you for not complying with the treaty" 

"That treaty was made years ago by our ancestors to maintain peace between the kingdoms, but they aren't here are they son? I am just here to warn you."

"warn me? you are here to make a joke of me and get a look at her" 

"I will accept it, I did want to look at the beauty of your new whore, but it doesn't seem much appealing to me. but I guess that doesn't matter when she is divine in bed. I understand your position, you are young and in love as you claim, but son you tell me is a good fuck worth your kingdom?" 

"she is worth everything" 

"and if you disrespected her in any way I won't hesitate to slit your throat" I add. My grip tightened around y/n's waist, maybe in a protective way or an assuring. 

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