Chapter 18

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y/n pov

The next morning I woke up with an eased mind. Last night gave me hope for the future and that was enough to make me feel as if I had conquered the world.

I had for once made a decision for myself, and did something that was meant to make me happy, I had chosen my love over everything else. I woke up with no one beside me, which made me disheartened but I shrugged it off. So what he left to work most probably without letting me know?

I made my way to the bath and prepared the water for a warm bath. I stripped off my clothes and lay inside the tub.

Time skip

I was done with grooming and was wandering in the palace's library for a new read. It was huge, there must be thousands of books in this room. A book caught my eye, it had a pink hardcover and golden flowers painted on it.

Grabbing the ladder, I stepped a few steps and reached for it. "Are you always reading?" The sudden voice made my heart skip a beat. I immediately turned around completely forgetting the fact I was on a ladder.

I lost my balance and was ready to get a taste of the floor but thankfully the gentleman seemed to catch me in time. "You should not sneak up on people like that" I huffed. "You were the one too engrossed in the book you failed to notice me" he chuckled

"yeah yeah, whatever" I rolled my eyes at his words "Do you like my arms this much, princess?" my eyes widened at his words, and quickly wriggled in his grip. My feet landed on the tiles, I fixed my clothes and crossed my hands in front of my chest.

"Yeah, what are you doing here jimin?" I asked and placed a strand of hair behind my ear. "Taehyung sent me to accompany you. I wasn't sure where to look so I asked him and he told me that you might be here" he opened his arms and bowed dramatically making me chuckle.

"He could do that himself though..." I pouted and complained like a 3-year-old. "He would but he is dealing with some business, her highness really outdid herself this time so taehyung has more to deal with," he said.

"What did she do? Taehyung did not mention anything, "I asked with furrowed brows. "You don't know? The Min kingdom has attacked our western frontiers, if we don't retaliate or come up with a solution quickly I am afraid they will overpower us," he replied which left me shocked but still my question was not answered. 

"How does any of this involve Her Highness"

In the courtroom

I opened the door with anger which made the doors open with a loud voice. Each pair of eyes were on me, the voices had lowered and everyone seemed shocked at my appearance. Guards stood beside me who were trying so hard to stop me from interrupting his highness's crucial meeting.

"Your Highness, we tried to stop-" the guard began to ramble but right now I only wanted to hear from one person who did not seem even a bit bothered by my scene.

"When were you planning to send me the wedding invitation huh? You better do that soon though, I need to get the dress ready" I said with a loud voice, not shouting but my tone was stern and my eyes were fierce.

"How dare you barge in like this?" the feminine voice spoke from the right which turned out to be no one else but the devil herself. "You" I pointed my finger at her and took a few steps towards her but was stopped by hands around my waist.

I knew the smell, I knew it very well. "Calm down" his deep voice echoed in my ear. One gaze from him and everyone left the room but not the female in front of me "aera you too" he spoke and glared at her.

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