Chapter 13

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Next day

Everyone had gathered in the dining hall for breakfast. Even though I usually wouldn't join, considering Her Highness and Princess Aera were visiting but taehyung insisted.

Taehyung was seated at the first seat with me on his right side and Aera on the left. Her Highness sat beside Aera.

Not a single voice could be heard in the room, only the sounds of plates and dishes being placed on the huge table. 

"If you don't mind your Highness I would like to invite someone to join us for breakfast," Aera asked taehyung and looked at him with a small smile. "Go ahead" taehyung replied not bothered by any of it.

 He was toying with the fork on the table while aera whispered something to the guard who stood behind her. The guard left the place.

I let out a sigh, I was anything but interested in this breakfast. I just wanted to go back to mine..well taehyung's chambers and read all day. A new hobby I had picked.

 Taehyung had tons of books in his room and the library was also there, so why not take advantage of it? 10 minutes had passed when the door opened revealing the last person I had ever wished to see.

 "What a lovely morning, don't you think your highness?" lord kang let out. I could practically see the rage lighting up in Taehyung's eyes, his hand gripped the fork way too hard.

 If Gaze could kill, lord kang would be dead by now. He walked over to the seat beside me and bowed while taking the seat. 

"I hope I am not intruding. I couldn't reject the lovely invite from Princess aera" he smiled and shifted his chair closer to mine. I thought I was healing, but I wasn't. 

The memories rushed back into my mind. Every single detail is vivid in my mind. Taking deep breaths I kept quiet and stared down at my lap. No words were shared. The maids had served the food on everyone's plate. 

"We shall begin. Oh wait, lord Kang will you be fine? Because last I remembered I had ripped off your hands. You must need assistance even for eating" taehyung said and waved to the guard behind lord king to help him out. 

I could hear lord Kang scoffing beside me. I tried my best to not pay attention to the people present at the table. I just picked up my fork and started eating but there was no way this morning was going to go peacefully.

 I felt something brush against my leg, not once but a couple of times. At first, I shrugged it off thinking it must be the table cloth but when it continued I picked on the hint.

 I looked over my shoulder to see lord Kang smirking and passing a wink to me.

 Disgust. Hatred. Rage. 

That's what I felt for this man. It still continued. I had very little patience, so I gripped my fork and stabbed it into lord Kang's arm. 

"You have only lost your hands soon you will lose your head," I said to him through clenched teeth. Everyone was shocked, but only taehyung had a proud face while lord kang cried.

 "I would say keep your hands to yourself but given you don't have them anymore. You better behave yourself or next time it will be..." I looked down at his crotch, giving him the clue.

 His eyes widened and he stood up. "You bitch, how dare you threaten me, and that too in front of his highness" he shouted while I only smirked at his poor self. "Oh honey, don't you worry? The sword I will use will be his only" I smirked and twisted the fork making him scream in agony. 

"oh please, go on. my morning just got better" taehyung said and crossed his legs, too indulged in the scene I had created. 

"I don't care what position you hold. if I want to, I will behead you without any hesitation. you might have those little puppets but I have the fucking king." I turned to Aera and continued "I hope you have a lovely breakfast with this manwhore. now, please excuse me, and don't mind the ruckus caused by me" I said and passed a sarcastic smile to her before bumping into lord kang's shoulder and leaving. 

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