Chapter 15

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I waited for Taehyung the whole day but there was no sign of him. Giving up, I got off the bed and fixed my clothes once before going out of the room. Two guards stood beside the gates of the room. Eyeing them I stood in front of them and made weird faces but they stood unbothered. Not even a slight reaction or even a twitch.

I mimicked their posture and made a grunting sound. "I guess that's what happens when you spend time alone for too long, you lose your mind" I mumbled and pretended to march in front of them.

"Don't you two get tired of standing here? Wait a minute, if you two are here all the time does that mean you overhear our conversations?" I asked them with wide eyes.

"No miss, the walls don't let a single sound pass through them" they replied and took a deep breath. "In that case, what if I am in danger or his highness is? If we shout, how will you know?" I said and tilted my head. "I-" the guard was left speechless.

"Ha, got you" I grinned sheepishly. "Forgive us, your conversations are safe with us," he said and looked at the ground. "It's fine," I shrugged. "His Highness is in the courtroom right?" I asked and they nodded.

"His Highness is in the courtroom, he was summoned by Her Highness and princess," the other guard told me. My chest ached as I heard Aera's name. I did not like her at all.

I nodded and bowed to them before taking my leave. I made my way to the courtroom and once again saw guards standing there, but they dared not question me.

I slowly opened the huge gates and took a peek inside. Her Highness was not in sight, she must have left already. Aera and Taehyung stood in front of each other, talking or more like screaming at each other.

Aera shouted at taehyung, words I could not understand, it made taehyung grab his hair and take a deep breath. Taehyung too answered with a shout and turned his back on her. Aera sure was fuming in anger, she grabbed taehyung by his elbow and turned him around, she smashed her lips on his and held his neck.

Taehyung did not move, I wish he did. I wish he pushed her when she got too close to him but he didn't. He stayed still for a whole minute.

I wondered what he felt at that moment. Did he like it? Did he like her? Did he feel happy? It took Taehyung a minute to finally push her away, as he did he wiped his lips with the back of his hand.

When he turned towards the gate, he saw me. Our eyes collided, his eyes showed anger while mine glistened with tears. I gave him a subtle smile before running away. As I left I heard him cursing.

It hurt, it hurt to see him with someone else. The person who stole everything from me was the same person who was slowly becoming my everything and I loathed the idea.

Without thinking twice I ran to Taehyung's chambers and slammed the door my way in. My legs felt numb, and my whole body did I could no longer hold myself so I fell onto the floor beside the bed.

Tears streamed down my cheeks. I don't know why I was crying when I knew my place. Taehyung was the king, destined to marry a princess and run a kingdom while I was just his mistress here to please him till he was satisfied and done with me.

Once again I expected too much that I got buried under my own expectations. I was so engrossed in the pain that I did not hear or see Taehyung coming in and sitting beside me. 

"It's not what it seemed like-" he tried to talk but I cut him off. "Why? Why is it always you? Why is it always you making me feel pain? Huh? why are you the reason behind my misery?" I screamed with all the energy I had in me.

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