Chapter 21

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y/n pov 

it's been one week since I was trapped in this hellhole. A whole week I hadn't heard from taehyung or anyone. It was just me in this room. It wasn't big like Taehyung's chambers, they reminded me of my room when I was a maid. it feels like I am back to the way it was before. 

There was a small window from where I gazed outside to see what people were up to, I could see the maids running from one place to another, rushing to their work, and guards standing at their posts.

Once again I was doing the same, gazing out of the window on a chilly night. the cold breeze flew making me shiver. My head rested against my knees. Letting out a sigh I looked back at everything that had happened.

 I came to the palace as a maid but became the king's whore, fell in love with him and now I am trapped in a tower on the orders of the same king who claimed to love me back. Us a

A creak disrupted my train of thought. I lifted my head quickly, maybe hoping that taehyung had come to visit but I was bound to be disappointed. Nonetheless, I was glad to see the person, Jimin. 

"I heard what happened. I am sorry I wasn't there to fight by your side, I should have been there for you, to argue against taehyung...I just never expected him to do something like this" 

he rambled and rambled till he was in front of me crouching to my height and staring right into my eyes. "take a breath. it's fine, you couldn't have done anything. To be honest, none of us expected this from taehyung" I sighed gave him a small smile, and raised my shoulders a little. 

"but if you look at it from a positive mind, it's not that bad. you will get time to have fun by yourself? dont you think?" he asked with a playful expression, to which I responded with a chuckle "How can this be fun? I feel like a damsel in distress" I sighed and stood up to walk over the bed. 

"dont worry you have a friend who will entertain you for however long you are in here and I dont think it will be that long" a smile that reassured me, it really did. I felt a sort of comfort to know I had someone like Jimin on my side. 

Without uttering a word I closed the gap between us and let my body fall on his "It is hard to do this alone" I muttered against his chest "You are not alone" 

Taehyung pov 

the blood-red color of wine swirled in the golden chalice. my eyes fixed on the liquid, mesmerized by the color. it somehow reminded me of lord kang's blood, that too was dark red. completely intoxicated under the influence of the alcohol, I chugged down more and more and a little more. today's event replaying in my mind like a record, y/n shouting my name for an explanation, help. but all I did was stare at her. 

the door opened to my study a guard stood there with his head hung low. "miss y/n seems to be doing fine though..." he paused. "though" I asked sternly. "Minister Park Jimin visited her, he is in her room as we speak," the guard said and stood there. 

"what is Jimin doing there?" I muttered under my breath and tried to think of any possible reason why Jimin was visiting y/n but couldn't think of one. "I will go visit her," I said out loud to the guard and tried to stand but stumbled down.

 I closed my eyes for a few seconds to get myself together and once again attempted to stand up, this time succeeding. "Your Highness, I am sorry but you can't visit, in this state or another," the guard said. 

his words made my blood boil, no one tells me what I can and can not do. I lunged towards him and grabbed his collar. "you will tell me what to do now? you" I shouted and pushed him on the wall, crushing his throat under my hands.

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