Chapter 16

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"Have you always lived in the Kim kingdom?" he asked "No" he hummed at your answer and pursed his lips into a thin line."Do you remember why you moved?" he asked another question. "My father had to move for work purposes" you replied. There was a short silence before Taehyung spoke up.

"Do you love him?" "I did, I used to before he left me like this, in a world of you," you said and clenched your fists. Taehyung's chest pained at your words. "You might not like this......."


Min kingdom

"Your Highness, you called for me?" a man in his mid-30s asked as he entered the king's chambers.

"Mr. Min, here you are, what a pleasure to see you. Please take a seat" the king stated.

" Mr. Min you must be aware of the fact that you are one of the best soldiers in our army"

"Yes your highness, I am very well aware," he replied. "Now is the time to prove your loyalty to your king. Here, take some" the king said and passed Mr. Min a chalice of wine.

"You must be aware of the rivalry between the Min Kingdom and Kim Kingdom. I intend to soon take over that land and in order to do so all of the ministers have thought of a way to conquer them" the king said and took a sip before continuing.

"We intend to assassinate the king and queen of Kim kingdom" As the words left his mouth, the man was left stunned. 

"And you being the best soldier, will excel at our plan" That was all it took for the man to be left speechless.

"B-but your Highness that-s" the man stuttered. "This is not a request, this is an order from your king. Don't you worry, you will go in disguise as a merchant, lived there for a while, and on my order behead those bastards. There are still a few things that need to be taken care of, that's why you will wait for our orders" The king chuckled at the thought of slaying his enemy.

"Your Highness, I have a daughter who can barely look after herself, and what if something goes wrong and I am not able to return?" the man spoke with a worried tone, all he could think of was his daughter.

There's no way I can refuse the king.....but y/n. "Oh, my friend don't you worry, take her with you. It will be a perfect disguise. A needy father in search of work to provide for his young daughter. Don't you agree?"

Time skip:2 years later

y/n and her father have been living in the Kim kingdom for almost 2 years. Mr. Min had gotten a job as one of the guards in the palace. No one was aware of his real identity. Everyday he would learn as much as he could about the palace, all the secret passages, the entrances and exits.

The king and queen had only one child, Kim Taehyung who was only 7 years old. Whenever he would lay eyes on Kim Taehyung, he would get reminded of his own daughter y/n who is only 5 years old.

There were moments when he thought of backing away just for the sake of their child but he couldn't go against the king and endanger his and his daughter's life.

He also learned that the king had a mistress, the king had not announced it officially but only the people in the palace knew.

Time skip

Today, in the morning, Mr. Min received a letter from the king through other spies living in the kingdom. With a heavy heart, he prepped to execute his plan tonight.

At midnight he broke into the palace with no difficulty as he knew the whole palace by heart. It didn't take him long to reach the king's chambers. With steady steps he entered the chambers and moved closer to the bed. The king was sleeping while taehyung slept beside him, he held onto his father's cloak as if holding onto his dear life.

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