Chapter 9

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Immediately gripping the hands on your waist you tried to get free but it all went to vain.

It took you a few minutes to realize who that voice belonged to. Lord kang. “Let go off me you creep” you shouted and wriggled under his hold but he was a lot stronger than you.

“How can I? This body of yours is screaming for touch, my touch. I don't think the highness is paying you any heed these days. You may pleasure me and get rewarded, I can guarantee you a handsome amount” he whispered near your ear, making you want to throw up.

“Never in this lifetime” you said and elbowed him in the stomach and freed yourself. “You whore-” “what's going on here lord kang?” hearing the voice the color from the lord’s face vanished.

“Nothing your highness, I was just leaving when the whor- lady threw herself on me” he spoke and created some distance between you and himself.

You scoffed in disbelief and crossed your hands in front of your chest, not even bothered to defend yourself.

As if he will believe me, why bother. “Maintain your distance from MY lady, if you dont the consequences won't be good” taehyung said and walked over to you and pulled you closer to him.

“Lord kang, I know your history with women. If you dare lay a finger on her or any women in this kingdom it won't end well for you. I expect you to not act like a manwhore” he added and faced you “you let me know if he pulls any trick” he whispered in your ear and held you by your waist before leaving the room.

Taehyung pov
I immediately left the bed as both the whores beside me fell asleep. I let that wine get the best of me. Where is she?

The first thought that came to my mind. I searched for my robe and grabbed it when I found it lying on the couch.

I made my way towards the door to ask the guards about y/n’s whereabouts. The closer I got I could hear muffled noises coming from the hallway.

I slightly opened the door and noticed y/n and jimin seated on the floor talking. Y/n seemed like she could fall asleep any moment.

My hand reached out to open the door completely so that i could get her in but i was late. Jimin pulled her up and placed her head on his chest and her legs entangled with his.

Rage rushed through my veins. “I hate him, I hate him so much. I feel like peeling off my skin to get rid of his touch” y/n mumbled, most likely referring to me. Not more than how much I hate you love.
Flashback end

Present:night time
The whole day you somehow managed to avoid lord kang while taehyung was busy with work. You hoped that after Taehyung's threat he wouldn't even dare to look at you, but oh how wrong you were.

You were on your way back to Taehyung's quarters from your random stroll in the castle. You were too late to react when an unfamiliar hand grabbed yours and pinned you to the wall.

Your eyes widened as you saw the face of the man before you. He had his one hand over your mouth, preventing you from making any noise. He smirked and grabbed your head before smashing it wall making you unconscious.

Lord kang took you to his quarters. He had managed to drag your heavy body all the way to his quarters. Even though it had exhausted him, he had enough energy to assault you.

He dragged you towards his bed and laid your body on the mattress . "Tonight's gonna be  slut" He growled and started removing his clothes.

You slightly groaned and held your head due to the immense pain. It took you a few seconds to realize the position you were in. as reality hit you hard to wiggled out of his hold and tried to run.

Before you could leave his room he held your hand and hit your head on the wall, making you feel dizzy.

You held your head and winced in pain, blood dripped down. He dragged you by your hair
and pushed you on the bed.

Holding your legs together he started removing your clothes. “Let me go, please” you cried and tried to move away, but every effort, every cry went into vain.

You could only think of one person right now, taehyung. No matter how deep your hate ran for him, you knew he had the power to save you. “Taehyung….” you whimpered.

“Not the right name whore. Tonight you are mine. Tonight I will have my way with you” lord kang spoke as he removed every single piece of cloth off of you.

Time skip
It was midnight when you gained your consciousness again. Grabbing your head you groaned at the stinging pain.

You looked around and saw Lord Kang sleeping peacefully in his bed while your body laid there naked with marks all over.

You tried to move but felt extreme pain at your waist, moving your gaze to your hip the sight made your heart break in pieces.

Whore. Spelled out on your waist with the help of a sharp tool you assumed. The waist was covered in blood.

"Stop, please stop it hurts" You cried as Lord kang continued to write something using a small knife on your waist. "Please stop" Your voice lowered down, feeling dizzy as you passed out.

"Monster" The only word that came out of your mouth. You grabbed whatever was left of your robe and put it on.

Time skip
Somehow you managed to make your way to Taehyung's quarters. With the help of the wall you continued to drag your body.

Sliding the door you went in, dragging your feet you reached the couch beside his bed and threw your body on the soft mattress. Letting out a sigh of relief you settled your body properly on the bed.

A loud groan left your body making the figure on the bed shift. Taehyung shifted in his position, rubbing his hands over his face as he looked over your side with half open eyes.

After figuring out your figure he sat up straight. “Where were you the whole night? I sent guards to look for you but they failed to find you. Where were you all this time? Even if you had gone somewhere you could have told me”

All you do is let out a chuckle before you point towards the candlestick, signaling him to light it up. Following your unsaid words he does so. He looks over at you again. That moment. The moment his soul left his body, his heart crumbled, breathe left his lungs.

“What happened?” he muttered. He scanned your face, cheeks red, a slight bruise on your lip, your hair disheveled, the crescent marks peeking from your robe through the shoulders.

Taehyung's eyes darkened at the sight. "Remove it" He said in a stern voice, his tone deep as ever.

You stood up from the bed to be able to give him a full view of your body. Chills ran through your spine at the sudden coldness in his voice.  Without any hesitation you untied your robe and let it fall on the fall.

His eyes scanned your body. Not believing the sight in front of him he got out of the bed and held your elbow gently and turned you over. Red. red marks all over.

"Wha-ts this… " His voice trailed off as his fingers grazed your waist. Whore. It had started to turn brownish and dark red, as the blood was drying.

You flinched as he fell on his knees and held your hands. Who knew, Kim Taehyung wasn't heartless, he did have a heart and could cry.

“I-i am sorry, i failed. How could i let his happen?i…i failed to protect you…i am so sorry love, i failed” he cried and cried and cried.

Don't know for how long but once he gathered himself he stood up and looked in your eyes before kissing your forehead. Slightly backing away at the touch you tried to remain calm as his lips lingered there for a while.

“You did fail to prevent this from happening but…I do wish you won't fail in making him pay for his deeds” you whispered as you looked at your feet.

Lifting your head up with his fingers, he looked at you with glistened eyes. “Oh love, you don't know. I am gonna unleash hell on this earth”

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