Chapter 6

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You lay there on the bed as tears streamed down your cheek. Taehyung got out of the bathroom to see your crying figure, curled up in a ball.

"Great, now you are crying" he scoffed and threw another envelope at you. You slowly picked it up and opened the envelope to see money inside, but not much you were expecting.

"I deserve more than that" you slowly whispered, loud enough for him to hear. "You are that desperate just for money?" he looked at you with narrowed eyes, an expression of disbelief all over his face.

"There you go" he said and threw another envelope on your face. You wrapped the duvet around your naked body and made your way towards the bathroom with wobbly legs.

"Pathetic" you heard him mumble under his breath as your heart clenched.

Time skip
Sliding the door of his room you were about to step out when his voice stopped you "where are you going?" he asked as he took steps in your direction.

"I am going to my old room, I left something there" you said and left slamming the door. Is she going to meet that man again? he wondered but shrugged it off.

You entered your old room as you dropped on your knees against the door. A lone tear escaped your eye as you felt your body burning.

Don't you have any shame left. You thought as your heart broke into pieces, never once you thought you would be the warming bed of the person you hate the most.

You still remember the day when the guards came to your old room with your father's dead body. 'The king had punished your father because he had been identified as an assassin'

That's what the guard had told you, you couldn't believe a single word they had said. You believed your father, if anything he could never be an assassin. You knew there was more to the story and the king had killed an innocent person.

Right now, you sat on the cold floor, warm tears streaming down your cheeks, your breathing ragged from all the sobbing. You gripped our hair as you screamed out in frustration.

Kicking your legs, you stood up and went to sit on the mattress lying on the floor. As you landed on the mattress, your heart only ached more, nothing helped..nothing.

You grabbed the small side table you had near your mattress as you threw it, making it crash against the wall.

You grabbed anything that came in your sight and threw it across the room, not caring how loud you were being and that you might catch attention.

You let it out, the frustration you kept inside of you for years. You were so into it that you didn't notice the door opening, as the male entered and saw the shattered furniture on the floor.

Worriedness plastered all over his face. He took gentle, careful steps towards the female who was crying her heart out.

Grabbing by her elbow he slowly pulled her and engulfed her in his warm embrace.

Your eyes wide eyed, your mouth slightly parted. "It's fine, everything is fine. Calm down" the soft voice said as his hand moved up and down on your back.

You slightly raised your head to look at the person, and there he was. Jimin.

"Wha-t..h-ow-w?" you stuttered, confused by the whole scenario.

"I was just roaming around and heard noises so came to check" he said as his hands raised to carrases your brunette hair.

He softly smiled at you and placed your head at his shoulder.

Both of you just stood there in silence. "Thanks....for..." not being able to find the right word for what really happened you paused and thought for a second.

"It's fine, you don't need to. Whatever the reason might be, don't let it get to you and play with your mind. I know you can go through it without destroying a servant's room" he said, making you let out a slight laugh at his words.

You both pulled back from the hug, but your eyes didn't leave his nor did he leave yours.

Both staring deep into each other's soul. Only if the two knew someone has been noticing their each move, have been listening to them.

"What are you two doing here?" the person shouted, as you pushed jimin off of you.

Your gaze followed the sound and met his eyes, the last person you wanted to see right now.

Taehyung, stood there with his hands clenched into fist, his jaw clenching, his glare sharp as ever.

"Your-r highness, i-" you were cut off as taehyung grabbed your elbow and made you stand behind him.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER" taehyung shouted at one of his closest friends just because of you.

"I never had bad intentions, if you think that way. I found her crying and just wanted to comfort her. And, why should you even care if she is just your maid" Jimin said in a calm tone, not wanting to anger his friend anymore.

Jimins hand reached out to you but before he could hold your hand Taehyung grabbed his jaw and pinned him to the nearest wall.

"Don't even spare a glance at her, she. Is. Mine" Taehyung growled and let go of him.

He turned around and harshly grabbed your hand before dragging you out of that room.

In his room
"Are you out of your mind? He is your friend for fucks sake" You shouted after closing the door behind you.

"Who gives you the right to treat me however you desire? It's my decision who I meet who I don't, you have no right to control every second of my life"

Taehyung pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a deep sigh.

"The day you agreed to work for me you agreed to be my subject, YOU my lady work under me, I give you the luxuries of your life, you must obey every word I say" He growled and came close to you.

"And let you use me as your pet whenever you desire" You said, in a low voice almost as if whispering.

A lone tear escaped your eyes as you glanced behind him towards the clock, it was almost midnight you had to be quick.

"I-i need to leave... i-i can't" You stuttered and wiped your cheeks and slightly slapped yourself to pull yourself together.

You touched your waist and felt the envelope safely secured under your nightgown.

"I need some fresh air" You whispered and left the room, leaving a speechless taehyung behind.

Taehyung pushed his hair backwards and let out a deep groan, frustrated from the whole scenario.

"Your highness, I heard someone shouting" looking at the door he noticed the royal guard standing.

"Everything is fine, you may leave.....wait, I have some work for you," taehyung said as he closed his eyes and let out a deep breath before continuing.

"You remember the last time I asked you to gather information on Miss y/n. I want you to bring me the names of all the moneylender she owes money to, their names and how much money she owes to them. I better have it in 2 days" taehyung said as the royal guard was confused but still nodded and bowed before leaving his room.

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