chapter 3

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1 month later
Just like what you expected to happen, happened. You were no longer his maid, everyone in the castle knew except the public.

Everynight, whenever he felt stressed he would come over to your room and would fuck you. You had nothing to complain about, you were getting paid well.

Even though you felt disgusted by yourself, you needed the money at any cost, even if it meant selling your own body to the king.

Present time
He plopped his sweaty body beside you as you both stayed silent after the steamy session. Only your heavy breaths could be heard.

He shifted on the slightly stiff mattress to face you. Your soft skin covered with sweat appeared to be glowing because of the moonlight falling over it.

He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. He too didn't know why he did that but he did. It felt as if he had no control over his actions.

You don't react to it though. Taking a deep breath you cover your body with the duvet and stand up, moving to the bathroom to get cleaned.

It was nothing new for him, he knew you wanted to keep your distance with him and he respected that but whenever he saw you he couldn't keep himself from the urge of feeling your skin.even if for a second when he pecks your forehead. After changing he sat on the couch, not wanting to sit on the mess.

He waited for you to come out. After 15 minutes, you came out of the bathroom after cleaning yourself, you noticed his figure seated, you didn't expect him to stay.

"Is something wrong your highness?" you softly asked while drying your wet hair.

"Nothing is wrong. Here you go, you may get more next time." he says and throws an envelope in your direction, it lands on the floor as you pick it up and peek inside to see money for tonight.

"T-thank you, your highness" you say and bow to him. You went back to cleaning your room while Taehyung took a glance around your room.

"It's been a month, you have enough money to buy yourself luxurious furniture and everything, yet you live like this" he said as you sighed and removed the bedsheets.

"I dont spend on such stuff, i can't afford that yet" you say as his brows furrow at your answer.

"Meaning?" "meaning, i have better places to spend my money at. I still can't afford luxury. I am not meant to have that life, you see my father wrote my destiny before dying" you slightly chuckle at the end.

He stares at you in amusement. Of course that bastard did. He was nothing but a jerk. "Why don't you move in my room? That would be better, i won't have to walk this much just to get to you" he says out of the blue making you drop the pillow you were holding.

"But your highness, people will suspect. If coming to my room bothers you, then let me know i will be in your room whenever you wish" you say as he comes closer to you and stands in front of you.

"That's not the only reason, if you stay in my room then i can have you whenever i desire" he softly whispers, leaning closer to your exposed neck, placing wet sloppy kisses on your bare skin.

"It's an order, you can't disobey your highness can you?" he whispers, sending shivers down your spine.

"Y-yes, your h-highness" you let out a shaky breath and hold his arms before slightly pushing him back.

You turn your back at him and go get another bedsheet. Without saying much he left your room without any other word.

Time skip-after a few hours
Taehyung was back in his room and was peacefully sleeping in his bed but peace was something he could never have.

He shifted on the soft mattress and curled himself in a ball. He slowly opened his eyes as a lone tear escaped his eyes.

Eomma!please don't do this to me.

STOP STOP STOP. Everywhere is blood, the floor and the bed.

Two men, with faces he can't recognise or figure out due to the darkness.

Cant breathe Cant breathe Cant breathe Cant breathe Cant breathe Cant breathe Cant breathe

Panting he sat up on the bed and wiped the tear. Grabbing the glass on the nightstand he chugged down the water at once and closed his eyes while taking a deep breath.

"I can't even sleep now"He got off the bed and went out to get some fresh air. He walked in his garden as the cold breeze hit his face, making him feel better.

A soft smile crept on his face but it soon vanished after hearing some strange noises coming outside the palace castle.

Curiosity crept in him as he went closer and tried to hear the person closely. "Please, give me another month, I will surely pay off the debt" a female voice cried.

Taehyung's brows furrowed as he leaned his ear closer and recognised the voice in a minute.

He rushed to the gate at the end of the wall, which maids usually used to get to the market to buy stuff.

As he reached the gate he opened it and followed the sound of the voice. "Is it one of the moneylenders?" he mumbled to himself and walked closer, to see your reflection, holding hands and begging in front of the person standing in front of you.

"Please, I already gave you more than half of it" you cried as the man in front of you held your shoulders tightly and pushed you back on the wall, making you hiss in pain.

Unknowingly taehyung's hands clenched into a fist but he held himself back god knows why. "If I don't get my money by next week, you are gonna have to pay it in another way" the man leaned closer to your face and whispered, making you feel disgusted.

He pushed you once again and left, leaving you a crying mess. "Why? Why me? Why do I have to clean his mess? Why do I have to suffer because of his mess?" you cry and fall on your knees.

Taehyugn made his way to you and stood in front of you. "Stand up" he sternly said as your head shot up in his direction.

Your puffy red eyes, your cheeks covered with your tears came in his view. He held your shoulder and made you stand on your feet, "what are you doing here?" he asked with his usual cold voice.

"I am sor-ry your highness. I should get going, good night" you say and quickly wipe your cheeks and bow to him before turning, but your steps halted as you felt him holding your wrist.

"Why was that man here? Personal matters should stay out of the palace's walls, don't forget that" he says as your heart clenched, you were hoping for some concerned words but how could the cold bastard be concerned for someone?

"I am sorry your highness, it won't happen again" you bowed to him as his gaze travelled behind you, you looked behind you as you noticed a guard standing close enough to hear you both.

"Ah- i-i should get going" you say and bow to him the last time before sprinting inside.

Taehyung groaned while looking at the guard who stood behind the gate with no emotions.

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