Chapter 14

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"For your own good, maintain distance from the lady" Jimin spoke with a blank face and pulled me towards him, resulting in my back hitting his chest.

"Now, the reason behind your presence here" he continued and eyed the man. "My own good? ha. You better back off and let me handle my business with this slut" the man spoke and raised his brows.

Jimin scoffed at his words and wrapped a hand around my waist in a protective manner. "Use better words or this won't end well for you '' Jimin spoke and continued glaring at the soul that stood in front.

"Give the girl to me before I tear you in pieces" he growled in return and tried to hold my hand when a loud thud came to be heard. The man lay on the grassy cold land and behind him stood taehyung. His sword was in his hand. "He should be awake after a couple of hours," he spoke.

I noticed he was holding on to the blade while the hilt faced us. Taehyung had knocked down the man with it. "In my chambers, you both" was the last sentence he spoke before going back in. 

I let out a deep breath and let my head hang down and relax. Soon I felt a warm hand on my chin. As I turned I faced Jimin and saw worryness plastered on his face completely. "Are you fine?" he asked and I nodded in response.

"Do you want to go in? Would you like some water first? I can fetch it from the kitchen. or do you need some air, clear your mind" he rambled while I stayed silent. Without saying anything I crouched down and took out the envelope, I kept it beside the body and stood up.

"You don't have to do that, he doesn't deserve it" Jimin spoke and tried to reach for the envelope but I stopped him by grabbing his hand."You are right, he doesn't deserve it but it won't do me any good to have someone else's money either. Let it be because I did take money from him. "I let out a sigh and made my way to Taehyung's chambers just like he asked.

Taehyung's chambers

"What were you doing outside this late?" Taehyung spoke sternly while Jimin and I stood in front of him. I kept on fidgeting with my fingers and kept my gaze on the floor, too scared to meet his eyes. 

Meanwhile, Jimin had no fear of facing his friend even though his friend was the king. He would from time to time caress my back in assurance. "Hands off of her, jimin" he spoke again, in his stern tone but that didn't stop Jimin from retrieving his hands.

"No need to pay anyone back anymore. Your debt has been paid so don't bother yourself '' Taehyung said which made me shoot my head in his direction with wide eyes. "But why?" I let out "Consider it an apology...for the past" taehyung replied."It's already past midnight, jimin you should head back to your room. Let her rest" he added and stood up to go to the bathroom. I let my hands go through my hair, I slightly pulled at them.

"Don't stress yourself because of them, as taehyung said he must have already paid them back. Don't think too much and just get some rest, "Jimin spoke, making me nod and smile at his words."You are a really nice friend Jimin, you really are. Thanks for helping me tonight, "I said and hugged him. I felt his body tense slightly before relaxing and melting in the hug. His hands wrapped around my waist and gently squeezed me before letting me go.

His eyes looked at me with pure care, only if I knew what actually went in his mind. For the last time, his hands patted my head before taking leave. I sighed and closed my eyes for a second to gather myself. 

I was already in my nightgown so no need to change. I took off my robe and slipped under the warm duvets which covered me till my chin. Soon Taehyung joined and lay down on the other side of the bed.

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