Chapter 19

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mature content ahead

It was already 10 pm when I returned back to my room. The whole day Jimin and I spent eating and roaming around in the palace. We did whatever we wished for and did not care for anything else.

The staff members did give us weird looks but Jimin told me not to bother and continue having fun. I liked Jimin, he was a fun and comforting person to be with.

I opened the door with a huge smile plastered on my face "Where were you the whole day?" a deep voice said, making me shoot my head upwards to see taehyung standing there, shirtless. "I was with Jimin," I replied calmly.

"Why?" he asked and stepped closer. "What why? You are the one who sent him" I said and kept my gaze on his face, trying not to let them fall anywhere else.

"I did not-" "But he told me you sent him to keep me company" I replied with confusion taking over me. "That bastard," I heard him mutter. I wanted to ask but shrugged it off.

"Get in bed," he said but I rolled my eyes and walked past him, at least trying to before he grabbed my elbow and made me face him.

"You have become brave, ignoring me like this" Taehyung chuckled and brought his face close to me. "I believe I owe you something from this morning but I guess you don't want it" he whispered, fake pouting and making a pitiful face.

"Owe me what?" I asked cluelessly. "From the the courtroom" he had gotten close to my neck. His hot breath fanned my neck, sending tingles all over my body. As he talked I remembered this morning's incident. I clearly remember everything, and by that, I mean everything...aera..her highness.

"Don't think about the nonsense, only the latter part....only think about me" he whispered and started to leave soft pecks along my neck. My grip tightened on his arms, my neck moved backward to give him more access.

"I couldn't focus on my work at all today, the moment you left the courtroom all I could think about you. Kissing you, fucking you, doing all the unholy things. But you ditched me for that chick" he whispered, his voice deep and husky. I could listen to him talk all day, his voice did things to me.

Every word that came out of his mouth just seemed too sensual. I could not think of how to reply to him. My mind only focused on his hands on my waist and that damn voice. "Fuck me then" there. I said what I wanted.

There was a change in his body, it went stiff and soon relaxed. I felt him smirking against my neck in victory, he was getting what he wanted. He lifted me and walked towards the bed. Gently throwing me on the bed which made my body bounce slightly.

He stood near the edge of the bed staring deeply into my soul

"Clothes off," he said. His tone was demanding, dominating. I did what he asked me to do, but slowly. I was patient and slow with my actions which fueled him further. His gaze never left me, kept following my hands which worked on getting the dress off.

The corset was time-consuming, and the multiple ribbons and knots took time. The last one undid and the corset was off but the skirt still hung around my waist.

To remove it I had to stand but instead, a flow of encouragement to pull off a stunt ran through my veins. The thought of it made me clench around the air. The thought itself seemed too lewd. 

The look on Taehyung's face told me he was waiting for me to remove the skirt too. His gaze was stuck on my waist, I had noticed that but I wasn't budging. He poked his inner cheek using his tongue and held an annoying expression. He climbed on the bed and sat in front of me on his knees.

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