Chapter 7

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y/n pov
I reached the place where I met that man last time. I made sure not to make any noise, the last thing I want is  guards to know about me sneaking out.

There he stood, the man I never wanted to even look at. All I knew about him was that my father took money from him and now it is my duty to pay him back.

I don't like being in debt anyways, it's someone else's money, I have no right over it. He is not the only one I have to pay, there are quite many people but others are kind enough to give me time because they know I am a girl and how hard it is for a girl to earn money in this society

It's not like I can get work like other men. Taking a deep breath I gave him two envelopes, full of money.

He snatched it from my hands and counted the fresh notes with a smirk on his face.

“You know, I don't love doing this. Threatening a poor little girl to work hard and pay me. I hope you are aware of the other choices you have…instead of having to make  yourself work this much you can simply warm my bed for a few nights” he said each word while coming closer to me till my back met with the cold wall.

Fuck. All the worst care scenarios started running through my mind. It's not like I could fight my way out of this.

And the fact that I only had my nightgown on made it alot worse. I kept my head high and made sure not to get affected by his words. The least I could do was show him I am not weak and vulnerable.

His smirk grew wider when his hands touched my elbow, he moved his fingers up and down my arm.

“I have no doubt you can make me feel good,” he whispered, his breath hitting my lips. I had enough of it.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and with all the energy I had left in me I kicked him in the nuts.

“Rot in hell.Jerk” He lied on the floor, covering his precious with hands, groaning in pain. “I still have 5 grand to pay. Don't worry, you will get your money by this weekend but I dare you to lay a finger on me.I will pay off every single penny I owe others. Whatever I have to do to achieve that but never ever am I warming someone's bed”

Liar liar Liar liar Liar liar Liar liar Liar liar Liar liar Liar liar Liar liar Liar liar Liar liar

I said through a clenched jaw. I had my share of insults today, no more. I kicked him in the stomach and made my way inside.

Time skip
I reached Taehyung's quarters, I entered the room and was met with silence. I thought he might be in his bed, sleeping without a worry in his life.

Why would a person like him ever have any worry, he is the cause of others. I loosened my gown and let it fall onto the fall.

I made my way towards the bed and laid down. A deep groan left my mouth as I got engulfed by the soft mattress.

“Today was quite a day. My legs still hurt because of Taehyung, my head hurts from crying and just now i kicked a man in the balls. Wow y/n, you have totally changed” i said out loud, as if someone was there listening to me.

A chuckle escaped my lips as I laughed at my misery. My body sat up straight as the door slided and heavy footsteps could be heard in the room.

All the candles had already gone off in the room, it was dark. Still I was able to see the silhouette of the person.

I grabbed the candlestick on the side table, ready to hit the person if something went wrong. “Relax, it's just me” I heard a deep voice, as the male lit up a candle near the other side of the bed.

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