Chapter 10

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Time skip 

Hmm.that feels good. You stretched your arms and let out a yawn before opening your eyes.  Rubbing your one eye you looked at the person sitting beside your legs.

“Lay down, your waist hasn't gotten better” there.His voice. Kim Taehyung.He was gently caressing your legs, being careful with his strength.

 “Your highness, what are you doing here?” you asked with a cold tone. “I-I..brought you a present” he said and pointed towards a golden box placed on the side table. 

“What's this?” you asked with furrowed brows. “Open it” you shifted your body and leaned onto the headboard, bringing the box on your lap you opened it. 

What the fuck. Lord kangs hands, covered in blood. You could tell they were his, because of the sapphire ring he had on for the whole night. 

“Bringing his head could have been disturbing so I….” he softly said as you looked at him with shocked face while he looked at you with doe eyes.

“I-i…how-w can you say something like that with THAT face?” you asked. If anyone was to see his face right now they wouldn't believe that this man cut someone's hand and gifted them. 

“You are unbelievable” you scoffed and rolled your eyes at him. While shifting on the bed your waist brushes against the fabric making you hiss at the uncomfortable contact. 

“Don't move, your waist hasn't gotten better” he said and placed your legs on his lap and caressed them. “If you want I-I could help you..get a bath…your whole body is covered in sweat and dried blood. I would have asked earlier but you were sleeping so I-I…..” his voice lowered as the sentence ended. 

“That would be nice” you softly replied and gave him a small smile, trying to indicate you weren't scared of his presence right now. Without wasting another second he came closer to you and gently lifted your damaged body and carried you to the huge bath. 

Placing you down he grabbed the essentials and cleaned your body. You liked how careful he was with you. You liked how he took care of you. You stared at his face while thoughts roamed in your mind.

Could I really not hate him anymore?It's not like he had a personal vendetta against father….did he?He is not that bad. Is he doing this because of me or out of humanity?he ain't no monster. 

As he was done he looked over you and caught you staring at him. “Would you mind if I join?” he asked with his deep voice. You shocked your head. 

It's him, I would be fine with him..I guess. Taehyung began to remove his clothes while looking at your figure which lay in the bath, not being able to keep an eye contact with him you looked straight ahead.

The last piece of cloth landed on the floor, carefully he entered in and laid beside you. Making sure his body did not touch yours. 

His fingers  traced yours and played with them till he spoke “if you want I will present his head to you” he whispered and kissed the back of your hand.

 “Death? That's all he gets after doing this to me?” you say making him chuckle. “No love, not death. The hands were impulsive…..i have something else in mind for him.something much worse than death. I will break everything dear to him”

Flashback: the night before lord kang came

Taehyung pov
Once again the royal advisor had called me to his chambers. That old hag will never stop being too nosy.

The guards opened the gate to his chambers as I entered. He was calmly seated on the floor, meditating I assumed.

 “You called for me” I said as his eyes slowly opened. “Yes, your highness. Please take a seat” he said and sat down on the couch,asking me to join him.

“Your highness, your late parents left you in my care. Hoping I can show you the correct path. Nowadays I feel like I might have not been able to fulfill my duties” he said as my brows furrowed.

“Mind elaborating” I said with a brow raised, not catching the meaning of his words.

 “Your highness, I have acknowledged that these days you are not….like your old self. You have been paying more heed to the lady in your chambers instead of paying attention to royal affairs. Even if you do so…I realized your decisions are influenced by emotions. You are a king, you shouldn't let emotion affect your decisions” he let out as I scoffed.

“You are making no sense, hope you know that” 

“I heard you moved your mistress to your quarters, your highness, that's something objectionable. You may use her as you desire but let me remind you highness, you are destined to marry a princess. It would be preferable if you stop having a mistress, seeing how she is affecting you”

'' It's my wish who I bring to my chambers or not, none of your concern” I said as rage ran through my veins.

“Your highness, it is none of my concern but I doubt her highness would stay quiet when she discovers that you have your mistress in your chambers. That's all I fear” he said as it struck me.

He is indeed right, her highness would not just sit while I start growing affection for someone who has no royal title. 

“Still, it's my duty to deal with her. I shall take my leave” I said and stood up, ready to leave when his last words made me stop for a second.

“Your highness, do not grow affection for that girl. Hope you remember her father, all she will do is bring bad omen in your life just like her family did years ago. Don't you forget” without saying another word i left from there.

“Bring some wine to my study” I ordered my guard. I spent the rest of the day locked up in my study as the royal advisor's words ran through my mind.

Its funny, the person I am meant to torture is sleeping peacefully in my bed. I chuckled at the thought, gulping down the drink. 

“I am the king, I need to get my head straight” after talking to myself I left the bottle and the chalice on my table and made my way towards the room. 

Tomorrow is quite a hectic day, one of the wealthiest nobles will be coming to the court. Lord kang, i don't like that man. He is said to have anger issues but that's none of my concern, I just need to get my work done by him.
Flashback end 

Taehyung pov 
Many things were on my mind. The conversation with the royal advisor, lord kang and especially her. Oh boy, she never left my mind in the first place. 

Last night when she came to the chambers, my heart broke at the sight. Her body was covered with bruises and I couldn't help but tear up. 

I wasn't lying when I said I would unleash hell on earth. Lord kang will pay for his deeds, not with his life but with everything he holds dear. He dared to hurt her. 

Royal advisor may be right, I may have grown affectionate towards her and I don't mind at all. I would fight with anyone who lay between me and her. 

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