Chapter 27

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present time: y/n pov 

one week is left till Taehyung's wedding. I try not to think about it, and make myself feel better by telling myself that it's just politics. taehyung could never be with another. but lately, that's not how I think. I dare not question his love for me. but that's the thing. 

no matter how much in love you are with a person, unless you put in the effort it won't work. and since the last 2 weeks, we haven't put in the effort. I am busy with my training sessions with Jimin while taehyung is busy with the wedding preparations with his soon-to-be wife. 

right now, I was on my back and wincing at the pain that ran down my spine. "fuck did you fall that hard?" jimin asks, looking down at me. I can't make out words right now. the pain is too much. my back pulses with it. I try to sit up but I am back on the mat again. Jimin is by my side instantly, putting a hand on my lower back to sit me up. 

"fuck" I curse under my breath and sit up putting my whole weight on Jimin's hand on my back. "not that hard dont worry" Jimin doesn't buy my lie. instead, he lifts me and makes me sit on the bench in the armoury room and grab me water.

 "rest for a minute or two and have this. I will take you to the doctor" he says and places the glass with water in front of my lips. "no, no doctor" I whisper and take small sips. "I ain't listening to you. you are going to the doctor" he says, sitting beside me. his hand keeps rubbing my back with enough pressure to relax the muscles. 


"No. you need to check it to ensure it's not bad so you can continue your lessons later. you cant work if you are hurt" 

well, he does have a point. I won't argue further with him and let him help me stand and guide me to the infirmary. we knock twice on the door before entering. my head is hung low when I walk in, not looking in front of me but from the way I sense Jimin tensing beside me the scene in front isn't pretty.

 I raise my head to see the royal doctor standing beside a bed with a white bandage in his hand, a silver tray on the bed with bloody cotton and cloth. the doctor's body is hiding half the body of the person seated on the edge of the bed but from what I can see, I know the person pretty well. their tanned skin and rigged muscles. I see them every day. those hands, which hold me when we sleep at night. oh, I know that body very well. 

"y/n, what are you doing here? are you hurt?" taehyung gets free of the doctor's hold and strides towards me. he grabs my elbows and pulls me closer "Are you hurt?" the sudden jerk makes me wince. hearing me taehyung places a hand on my lower back and pulls me close to his naked chest, such that I am leaning against him. he walks us to the bed where he was sitting earlier and makes me sit on his thigh. the pain shoots up again and I let out a muffled cry. From the heavy training and the walk till here, I place my head on his shoulder and snuggle deep into him. 

his hands caress my arm "Are you hurt? What happened?" before I can answer taehyung is facing Jimin and asking him "What happened?" my heart races and I slowly turn my head to look at Jimin to find him already looking at me, seated on taehyung's lap. I plead with him with my eyes to not tell taehyung what I have been doing. 

"she fell" 


I don't want to make Jimin lie to taehyung. I should do it, given I have been lying to him for days now. I speak up before Jimin gets a chance to speak to him. "I was being careless once again. I didn't see the wet floor and I was playing around. I slipped and fell on my back" 


" our hallway..dont worry I will just get this checked" I reply and look at taehyung who is staring at me so deeply. his hand stopped moving and rested on my waist. "you should take care of yourself" he didn't buy my lie. his tone says it all. the way he is looking at me right now, he knows I didn't just slip and fall. he knows I am lying. who was I kidding? this man knows me better than anyone, of course, he would know when I am lying. 

"check her back" he orders the doctor "But Your Highness your wound is still bleeding" The doctor's words catch my attention. my eyes run all over Taehyung's body to see his left shoulder open and a scar running across it. I gasp loudly and grab his arm "How did this happen?" I ask forgetting about the pain in my back "I was just practising  with the army general" he said and flexed his shoulder "You should get this wrapped first" 

"I will. jimin, while I am getting this fixed go to the courtroom. we have some guests coming in today. let them know I will join them shortly and...why are you dressed up casually?" taehyung looks up and down at Jimin who is wearing an off-white tunic and brown pants, not a look of a minister. "uhh...just. I will change before I go. Take care y/n.....and you too" Jimin adds when he sees taehyung giving him a look. jimin bows once to the doctor and leaves. 

"Please mend his wound first I didn't even fall that hard," I say to the doctor but he does not move, he stands there ignoring me. 

"Have you gone deaf? She said something" taehyung says when he realises what the doctor is doing. "Your Highness, I was just waiting for your orders"

"you obey what she says too. As much as you are loyal to me you are to be the same with her" 

the doctor nodded and finished wrapping Taehyung's wound. but he had a hard time doing it because Taehyung refused to let me get off his lap. The whole time his eyes were on me, but not in a loving way. they stared too deep into me as if to find what I lied about. Of course, he is mad at me. I avoid his gaze and keep my head down. "you will have to bear the consequences of lying to me, love" he whispers near my ear and places a peck before moving away. 

time skip

we are back in our chambers. taehyung is standing in front of me without saying or doing anything. "taehyung-" 

"Just stop it y/n," he says in a raised tone that makes me flinch.

"you keep on lying to me every fucking day thinking I will never find out. did you think I was stupid? you lie to me and go somewhere early in the morning and come back late in noon. do you want me to believe that you spend all these hours doing absolutely nothing? whenever I need you, you are missing. I am about to have a fucking marriage I dont even want and the person I need the most with me in this absurd situation is missing. and oh, fun point whenever I do find her it is always with fucking Jimin." 

"y/n, is this some sort of revenge you are plotting against me? if you are then let me remind you, I am not willing to have this marriage. you know it, I want you more than anything on that aisle with me" At this point, taehyung has started crying and is on his knees. 

"it feels like I am losing you" 

"tae" I gently let out and walked over to him. I crouch down to his level and embrace him in a hug. his head rests on my shoulder blade. I can feel the tears on my exposed skin. "shh baby" I move my hand up and down his back and tighten my hold around me. 

"dont leave me" he whispers against my skin and pecks the area. "I won't" I whisper back. taehyung trails his kisses up to my jaw and grabs me by my waist. "tae" I let out a ragged breath. he moves up till his lips hover just above mine 

"Let's get in bed together. no funny business" his words seem funny while his hand is beneath my skirt and caressing my inner thigh. "so all that crying to get into my pants?" I ask teasingly. "I dont need to cry to get into your pants. and from how well I know you, you always open your legs for me without any effort from my side" 

"you are such a wicked thing, your highness"

"only for you"

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