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Today is the 09.02.1942. My 13th birthday. My parents woke me up at 7am. On my own birthday!!! I tried to go back to sleep so I put my head under the covers and closed my eyes tightly. I ignored my parents' voices. Why would I want to hear them at this time! At least I want to sleep enough  on my birthday. At least there's no school today.

„Y/N!!! Come down now" my mother yelled.

"Five more minutes" I groaned.

"He's here." I was wide awake when she said that.

I immediately jumped out of bed, panicked and ran around the room looking for the beautiful dress he had once given me. When I still couldn't find it, I was about to give up until I opened a box with it was inside. I hit my forehead lightly with my hand when I remembered that I had put it in there yesterday for him. I wanted to make myself 10 times more beautiful for him than usual. So I quickly slipped into the dress, plaited my hair and looked at myself in the mirror. I turned in circles to see myself at every angle so that I looked perfect everywhere.

 I turned in circles to see myself at every angle so that I looked perfect everywhere

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I flung open the door and ran down the stairs. It was a bit conspicuous that I was looking forward to seeing him! As I ran, I first realized that maybe he even heard my mom yelling "he's here" and that's why I came downstairs. I hope he's just too stupid again to realize that it's about him. After years he still hasn't realized that I love him even though I've given him so many hints.

When my mother saw me, she smiled, was amazed and took my hand and spun me around. She gave me so many compliments that I couldn't keep up and kissed me on the cheek the whole time. I giggled and tried to push her away but she wouldn't let me until I saw him, Bucky Barnes. She noticed and immediately let go of me. My eyes lit up and I made contact with his. They were so beautiful.

He came up to me smiling. "Wow y/n you look beautiful, Happy Birthday!"

I immediately turned as red as a tomato when he said that. Oh my God! Why does this always happen to me? I tried to calm down so I could get my normal skin color back. I put my hands on my face to cool it down. I sighed and said under my breath "Why do I always get so red!". When I realized that he was standing right in front of me and maybe he had heard it, I slapped my hand over my mouth, shocked.

"What did you say?"He asked with raised eyebrows. Good, I was relieved that he hadn't understood. I was finally able to free my hand from my mouth again and smiled.  He waited for my answer but I was totally lost because of him. I don't know how I managed to stay so normal when I was a kid without panicking and saying weird things.

"U-uh thanks." I stuttered a little awkwardly but he smiled and nodded at me. Then he finally came to me and hugged me, his hands around my waist. I smelled his perfume through his clothes, exactly the same as on my last birthday. I smiled at the smell and at the physical contact in general and completely forgot about my mother who was still standing next to us. I immediately broke the hug and let go. My mother gave me that look again and I just rolled my eyes.

I know I shouldn't be getting up at my age, even though he's 10 years older than me. But look at him...no one could not be intro him. My thoughts were completely on him. He also looked 10 times better today. Had he made himself beautiful just for me?

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