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*2 years later*

It is the 09.02.1944.

My 15th birthday.

My second birthday without him and the only thing I wanted was to stay in bed and cry.

My mother did not call me out of bed as usual, so I wondered why.But only five minutes later it was explained why she did not call me, because she and dad came singing and with cake into my room and congratulated me on my birthday.

"Thanks Mom and Dad." I said, faking a smile.

"Aren't you going to get up dear?"

"I'll be right down, go ahead and get down. I still have to get ready."

Half an hour later when I was done I decided to go downstairs and heard a knock on the door. I went and opened it.In front of me stood a tall, muscular and strong man. I looked up and saw his face. He looked like Steve but very different.

"Hi y/n"

"How do you know my name?"

"You don't remember me? I'm Steve. Steve Roger."

"STEVE!!! You look so different. What happened?"

"I was in the army"

"Ok but why are you here"

"I wanted to offer my condolences, I know you were very close."

"What? Who do you mean?"

"What? I mean Bucky."

I looked at him.

"Oh no...you didn't know yet..."

"No.No.No.That can't be.He sends me letters all the time." i said.

I started crying because i don't know what the hell is happening right now.

"It can't be. Bucky's been dead for almost a year then the letters aren't from him."

I wiped away my tears.

I knew who it was. I ran inside to the living room to my parents.

"WHO SENT THE LETTERS!!!" I yelled angrily.

"What do you mean-"

When she saw Steve she was silent.

"I'm sorry."

were already red from crying.


"HEY THAT'S NO WAY TO TALK TO YOUR PARENTS!" my father shouted. I didn't care what he was going to do. I was so angry that I just never wanted to see them again.

My father took a step closer to me. Just as he was about to strike, Steve stopped him and looked him deep in the eye. My father pulled his hand away. What? Was my dad really scared right now?

"Whatever." my dad said to distract.

"I think we should talk about it Y-"

But it was too late I ran back to my room and locked up.

I heard someone running up the stairs.

*knock knock*

It was definitely not my father. He would never knock.

"Can I come in?"


"No go and leave me alone." you could hear in my voice that I was feeling like shit.



"They didn't want you to get worser-

I got up and grabbed the knife I was hiding. I went to the door, opened it and held the knife under his chin.

"I said go."

He startled and looked me in the eye.

"Please let me-."

"GO!" I yelled even though I was almost out of voice.

I slammed the door and looked at my hand where the knife was. It started to shake. I threw the knife away and looked at myself in the mirror. What was that? What is happening? What is wrong with me? Why are you doing this? I was getting angrier and angrier. I looked at myself again and suddenly started laughing. I was so angry...then I hit the mirror so many times until my hands were full of blood....

"Oh my god"

"What have I done."

I fell on the floor into the glass panes. I felt nothing. Why didn't I feel anything? Where is the pain? Why did I feel no pain?

Suddenly everything went black.

*The next day*

I wake up covered in blood. Not just on my hands. All over. I had glass splinters all over me. But. I still felt nothing. I could not stand up. I was so dizzy. I crawled to my bed and tried to sit down. I tried to get the splinters out of me.

I sighed.

"What happened to my life?"

I started crying again and tried to lie down in my bed. I couldn't stay up anymore. It got darker and darker until I could see nothing and was gone.

*3 days later*

*knock knock*


*knock knock*


Not her again.

"Y/n I brought you food. I'll put it down for you ok? You don't have to come out but please eat."

I haven't eaten in 3 days. To be honest I wasn't even hungry. I was just waiting to fall asleep and...

never wake up again.

Hi guys ! I hope you liked this chapter. No Happyend for y/n
Thanks for reading and please vote<3
I started to write this story last year and I had break. Now I reread it and it's really bad in the beginning but it will get better. Sorry for the cringe parts in the first Chapters💀 Maybe I'll edit them (I'll not)

words count: 822

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