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*1 week later*

Wanda and pietro live in a small house at the end of the village. It was small but nice. Me and Pietro were in the kitchen cooking together.

"Where are your parents?" I asked because I was really interested.

Pietro just sighed.

Then I noticed.

"oh my god... that hurts-"

"no no, all good... do you want to know everything? From the beginning?" he asked. I heard his voice sound sadder.

"Pietro, you don't have to tell me," I went to him and looked deep into his eyes. I would love to hug him right now. I know that pain... losing everything.

"No, it's all good... but you have to tell us everything. Really everything. Your powers. Who you lost-"

I interrupted him immediately. "How do you know all this," I said somewhat aggressively.
I don't know how I should feel. Can he read minds too? Probably! How else would he know?

"Y/n we know more than you do. I'll tell you then ok?"




"So it all started when our house was destroyed by a grenade from Stark Industrie. Because of that grenade...our parents died. We were just kids when it happened...we were still in that house for 2 days because we thought another grenade from Stark was going to explode. Years later we volunteered together at HYDRA for experiments. Where we...got powers. if you're wondering what or who HYDRA was. It was a secret organization where they killed a lot of people. It was run by Johann Schmidt." He stopped because I could see tears coming down his face.

I looked at him speechless. I felt so sorry for him. Both of them. I didn't care what he would think of me now. I ran to him and hugged him. I noticed how he hugged me first after a while and heard him sobbing. We stood here for at least 5 minutes. Arm around arm until he pulled away after a while. He looked down into my eyes. He had beautiful bright blue eyes that I could look at for hours.

"Any more questions?" he sobbed and started to smile.

"Many, but I don't think right now is a good time" I said with a big smile.

"No no y/n. Everything is fine. Ask me anything. So you can get to know me better"

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely sure" still looking me in the eyes but I broke eye contact and started asking all my questions.

"Why didn't anyone look for you or help you?" I asked disappointed.

"It didn't matter if villages or towns were destroyed by Stark. It's Tony after all. Everyone loves him because everyone needs weapons. Besides, after the death of his-"

"His dad and..." i stopped.

" and His mother..." i said sadly.

"You heard about that?"

"Sort of," I half-whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"It was me."

"You did it?"

"I killed her," I told him. Striking now that I had powers. But I didn't care because he deserved the truth.

He looked at me with wide eyes.

"I couldn't control my powers." I started to cry.

"Hey hey hey y/n you don't have to say it now. Don't worry.if you don't-"

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