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We went to a room where we undressed. I stared at Pietro as he changed his shirt. He turned around and grinned at me.

I immediately pretended to change

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I immediately pretended to change. I didn't really have anything until this green thing called Bruce Banner offered me some clothes . It was a bit like the red-haired woman's but in green. I didn't know if he gave me a green one because he can turn green or because I have green powers. Maybe he just gave it to me like that. It was made of leather and therefore difficult to put on. In any case, it was always difficult for me to put on any leather clothes. When I was finally inside, I tried to close the zipper.

 When I was finally inside, I tried to close the zipper

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(not the hair just the clothes)

I turned to pietro who was already looking at me and immediately knew what to do. He came to me with a grin, moved my hair to the side, turned me around and zipped the zipper from bottom to top.

"If you look, I can look too!" he said and turned me around to look into his bright eyes. He looked at me for a while until he kissed me and I felt that after a while he had a grin under the kiss. When we were interrupted because they called us, we left.

We walked to the same airplane that I have seen several times. It's called Quinjet. They told us the plan. Pietro should give the policemen a heads-up. Wanda should control the people with her powers so that they would run away and I....I should find Ultron...but not alone, with Tony. Who I still haven't talked to. He didn't talk to me either. I knew what was going on, why he wasn't talking to me about it or rather killing me but I just nodded to the plan and said nothing more. When we arrived, we got ready to do everything. Me and Tony flew off to the old church where Ultron was. He didn't say anything on the flight until he did.

"Could it be that we've seen each other before?" he asked. Is he joking? What does he mean by that? Of course we've met before! I killed your mother! Why is he making it extra hard for me, can't he just shout at me what a bad person I am!

"what do you mean-"

"Mhhh because you look very familiar" I wanted to say more but he immediately interrupted me which was good this time. Because then I finally thought about it. If he doesn't know me. Then what else happened that day? Did I accidentally erase his thoughts about me?...but that can't be, I wasn't able to do that yet. So at least for now I tried to shift my thoughts and agreed with him.

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