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*knock knock*

It's already 11 pm. Who's still awake? I went to the door and when I opened it I saw...


"Can't sleep either?" he asked.

I leaned against the door and said "ask yourself why"

Because of him, of course.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what i mean?!"

"What?" he asked again. Is he doing this on purpose? Why does he do this to me and then pretend like nothing happened?

"Why are you treating me like this?" I asked aggressively.

"Well, Y/n, if you flirt with every boy you see, you shouldn't wonder why I treat you like that."

That was too much now. What an excuse. Surely he's not serious? Since when have I flirted with someone else? And even if I had, it was no reason to treat me like that. He could talk to me about it normally! I looked at him for a few seconds and then shut the door in his face. I was so angry that I could just destroy everything here right now. I always treated him well no matter what he did but when I made a "mistake" he was shitty to me.

*15 minutes

He was knocking on my door all the time. It was really annoying. Then he shouldn't say that, it's his problem!!!

"Y/n please let me in"

"Leave me alone" I yelled.

"Please..." after a while I just stopped answering and ignored it until I heard whispering outside the door.

Pietro's pov:

"Please..." I said, still squatting in front of her door . I'm sorry...I can't help it. I've never loved anyone as much as I love her and I don't want anyone to take her away from me...What's wrong with me?
I heard a door open. I got up quickly thinking it was Y/n's door but when I looked it was...Scott's.

"ugh not him too" I whispered.

"Hey, Pietro, right?" Scott said. Is he stupid? Charles said my name right in front of him and now he's asking if it's really my name.

 Is he stupid? Charles said my name right in front of him and now he's asking if it's really my name

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"Yeah, what's wrong now?" I asked, pissed off.

"Can you please stop knocking all the time. People have to sleep too" he asked nicely. Nice? Why nice? How can it be that he stays so normal when I spoke to him so pissed off.

"Y/n doesn't want to let me in"

"and why?"

"...I think I hurt her" I said a little sadly.

"and why do you think that"

To be honest, I don't know why I did that, but I had told him everything. Why I felt like that. Why I did that. What I really thought about her. He told me to tell her everything...everything I felt, explain that I did it because I was afraid she would hurt me and more things. Then I said something to him that I thought I would never say.

"Thank you, Scott."

He looked at me in surprise. He knew I didn't like him, that's why he was so surprised.


He knocked on the door for me, even though I didn't think she would open the door for him.

Y/n's pov:

*knock knock*


"Scott?..." I heard from the outside of the door.

"Let him talk...he wants to apologize" I heard him and as he left again.

I sighed.

I opened the door with my strength because I was too lazy to get up.

"Come in" he saw me lying on the bed with my eyes a little swollen.

"Y/n I apologize for hurting you. I didn't mean to...I love you. I get most afraid that you would replace me-"

"Pietro, I would never do that!" I interrupted him.

"No y/n, listen to me. You say that, but none of us know if you'll keep it. I'm not the most attractive boy or the nicest. I understand your words and sadness about it. I know it's all my fault...that I always overreact like this. I'm so sorry that you have to suffer so often because of me. I'm trying to change...for you. I hope our relationship isn't destroyed because of that. Y/n you are the most important person in my life. I would do anything for you. I can never stand you talking to other boys...it's always possible that you'll just fall in love with him-"

"Hey, Pietro-"

"I wish you could feel how much I love you-"


"please accept my apology-"

I went to him and grabbed his cheeks with both my hands.

"Pietro I love you...I would never destroy our relationship over something like this. we'll work it out...together." He smiled when I said that and gave me a kiss.

"Y/n can I sleep here tonight" I nodded and he and I lay down. I cuddled up to him and looked deep into his eyes. He took a strand of hair and tucked it behind my ear.

"I love you Y/n..."

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words count:849

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