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The next morning my eyes opened to a quiet whisper.

"Get up, your training is soon and you still have to eat breakfast, my darling" it was Pietro. Finally another morning where I wake up to the sound of the most beautiful voice. I opened my eyes and saw him talking and talking but I was only paying attention to his lips and ignoring what he was saying the whole time. I shook my head and moved my finger to his lips to keep him silent.

"shh, be quiet, 5 more minutes" I grinned and closed my eyes again. But when I felt it on my legs, I sighed. Well, I didn't miss that! Of course Pietro dragged me out of bed again! He can at least give me a heads up, right?

"All right, I'm changing...WOES!! I'm changing alone. After this you don't have the honor of watching me without my clothes," I winked. I saw his smile disappear.

"Oh come on-"

"No, your problem. Now get out and have breakfast. Don't forget to put something on my plate too!" I giggled at him, Well if he wakes me up, that's just how it is. Pietro walked out slowly and just as he was about to close the door, he turned around.

"I know I deserve this...at least don't be late! Otherwise everyone will ask me where you are again and I'm not in the mood for that anymore," he says arrogantly. I nodded and scurried away from him.

*10 minutes later*

I went down to the dining room and could already see Wanda and Scott  waving. Of course I waved back but I looked to see if Pietro had brought me anything and...yes he did! My favorite breakfast: 2 large pancakes with chocolate sauce and a natural yogurt with all kinds of fruit and muesli. He looked at me and winked. He always thinks I find it hot but no. Or is it? I actually keep melting inside about it, but I still have to be a bit of a bad bitch, so I shook my head and walked to the table.

"Thanks, babe" I thanked him and gave him a kiss, smiling.

"How did you sleep, y/n?" Wanda asks me as I had my hand against my head.

"actually pretty good...if someone hadn't woken me up," I answered her, turning to Pietro and rolling my eyes. but he just grinned and gave me a flying kiss. What an ass! Wanda laughed when she realized I meant Pietro. She often told me that Pietro was always awake earlier than she was and that she always woke up very early.

*after breakfast*

"Y/n, we have to go now. Our training is about to start and if we're late...you know how Charles will be then," Jean told me and took my wrist.

I nodded, gave Pietro a quick kiss and ran after Jean, her hand still on my wrist. We ran to the elevator that took us to the basement where Charles and Hank were already waiting for us.

"Good morning Y/n. Are you ready?" Hank asks with a nice smile. Ready? What does he mean? He never actually asks anything like that. Are we doing something special today? To be honest, these thoughts make me feel scared and swallowed.

"Good morning...but why are you asking if I'm ready?" I replied a little shyly when Charles patted me on your shoulder.

"You don't need to be afraid. We just want to try something special today that we haven't tried before." said Charles. Wow. That didn't really relax me anymore.

He entered all the codes to get to our training camp. Of course it took as long as the first time. When we finally arrived, everything was already prepared. My daily parkour...yayy and all that other stuff.

I trained like normal for half the day until I heard the door open and I turned quickly

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I trained like normal for half the day until I heard the door open and I turned quickly. Maybe I had a different opponent to compete against today. I usually trained/fighted against Jean, Hank or Charles. Like it would be really cool to fight against someone else to see what their powers are and how they deal with them. But when I turned around, the first person I saw was my Pietro. Should I fight him? You already knew that I knew everything about Pietro... right? I know his style of fighting and how he handled it. So it would have actually been a very unfair fight. But in the time I was thinking about it, I didn't notice that all the other X-men came in and Wanda. I look at them with raised eyebrows because I knew they weren't supposed to be here. But they didn't even look at me, they just stared at the whole room. I turned to Charles who had been staring at me the whole time.

"What's this about?" I asked her.

Pietro came to me and took my cheek in his hand "we can explain everything to you"

"What do you mean!? You know why you're here?" I snapped at him. He tried to calm me down until Charles spoke...

"The special thing about today is...so don't get upset...but today we planned...that you try to travel to your universe-" he wasn't serious!! AND HE PLANNED THIS WITHOUT TELLING ME! THEY ALL PLANTED IT WITHOUT SAYING ANYTHING!! YOU JUST COULDN'T DO IT LIKE THAT.

"What do you mean?!? I've tried it many times and I haven't been able to do it. Why do you want to try again now and bring everyone here-"

"You didn't let me finish talking! Never do that again! We're friends, but that doesn't mean you can talk to me. I'm still your teacher. So treat me like one! Now back to the topic. Sure You supposedly tried it but we all know full well that you didn't really try because you were afraid. But you don't have to! Now we're all here and we've had this since the day we found out you were doing it "You can plan. If you stay here any longer, it's possible that our and your universe will be destroyed because of you. That might sound a bit nasty, but you can't really put it any nicer," Charles spoke more unkindly than ever before. What was he thinking? He was right... but I didn't want to leave here and I couldn't. They became a family to me and I thought I had become one to them too. Then why were they able to deport me so quickly?...

"Please Y/n, it's not just them asking you to do this, us too, we can't stay here anymore." Wanda says and also looked at Pietro, who was standing quietly next to him and didn't dare say anything because he was afraid that he would hurt me.

I sighed but nodded after a while when I understood "So how do we start"

Charles explained to me how to control my powers and I did it several times. Of course I always hold Wanda's and Pietro's hands because if I work, I would have to take them with me.

"Charles...I can't do it" I just wanted to give up...we've been trying for 3 hours and nothing happened. why did they do this to me?

"Y/n, you know that you can do it! You should say goodbye to us before it's too late! YOU SHOULD USE ALL YOUR POWERS!!" he got louder and louder.

"STOP YELLING AT ME!!" I closed my eyes because I could concentrate better. I wanted to prove to him that I couldn't do it!

But when I tried to open my eyes, all I heard was loud pounding

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But when I tried to open my eyes, all I heard was loud pounding...

Hey!! Acutally i did not want to write bc im watching deadly class but then i just did. So i hope u liked that Chapter!! love yall. 

Also thanks for 3k reads!!

Words count: 1278

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