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I woke up to the bright rays of the sun and realized that I was lying on something hard and soft. To be honest, I didn't care. It felt strangely good until I finally turned to the side after a while. I was startled and almost screamed, but I quickly put my hand over my mouth.

"Oh shit" I whispered as quietly as I could.

I quickly lay down next to him so he wouldn't notice. To be honest, I think I was lying on his stomach before I slept. Oh man! That can't be true now. Of course I just pretended to be asleep again.

*5 minutes later*

I heard someone yawning and turned around. I saw Pietro's beautiful eyes open. Suddenly everything was in slow motion for me. Am I sick? Why do I want to watch Pietro blink in slow motion?

 Am I sick? Why do I want to watch Pietro blink in slow motion?

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"Earth to Y/n" I finally heard his voice and suddenly everything was back to normal. He looked me in the eye.

"Good morning." he said in his morning voice. Morning voices are so hot. That was the case with Bucky.

"Good morning," I replied with a smile.

"GOOD MORNING YOU TWO! HAVE YOU BOTH SLEPT WELL?" Wanda shouted happily and threw herself on top of us.

We both laughed.

"Quite well actually" I turned to Pietro and smiled.

"UHHHHHHH" whispered romantically Wanda.

"молчи, надоедливый!" Pietro said to her, pissed off.

"Не притворяйтесь! Просто скажи ей!" said Wanda with the biggest grin I've ever seen.

Pietro just rolled his eyes.

"Oh guys... could you please speak English!"

"Yes, of course. I can repeat everything in English if you want," she said and turned to Pietro, still grinning.

Just as Wanda was about to speak, Pietro flashed at her and covered her mouth.

"Не смейте!"

Wanda bit his hand and laughed at him.


"Don't mess with me. You know you'd lose anyway," Wanda said proudly and upright.

"Be a little more respectful to your big brother."

Wanda rolled her eyes after he said that.
"Big brother? I thought you were twins?" I asked immediately. Were they lying to me?

"Hahaha, Wanda are you going to tell her?"

Wanda was already so annoyed and flew into the kitchen. Pietro was still laughing and stood up.

"I'm 12 minutes older than her" he whispered in my ear as he walked past me. I felt his hot breath on my neck. i stood still. I was speechless...

Pietro smirked at me and said "Y/n are you coming?"

I quickly ran to him and the table was already set.

"PIETROO!!! I wanted to set the table" shouted Wanda.

"Sorry Wanda..." and looked pissed off.

"...our beautiful guest shouldn't have to wait" turned to me and grinned.

I turned red all over. Did he just call me beautiful?

"КРАСИВО?!!!?" she boomed immediately.

"Yes, I admit it..."

"I-I-I guess thank you?" I stuttered.

*after the meal*

"Well, firstly, I want to get to know your powers, secondly, I want to explore the village without meeting many people because I'm sure we're looking for me-"

"So everything is okay with not being seen. We've been hiding from HYDRA for a few months now. They haven't even found us here in that time. This place is unknown." Pietro replied.

"Oh...that's actually good? Thirdly, I have to try to control my powers and find out if I can do more," I added immediately.

"Well then, our day is already planned" Wanda commanded, giggling.

"Let's start with the city tour because I have to go to the library," I asked.

"Oh wait, do you actually have one? and is there a computer?"

"Yes, what do you need it for?" they both asked at the same time.

"I want to find out about the years I've lost. I want to know if there are any others of us."

Also thank u for over 500 reads💓💓
Votes please!!

Words count: 663

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