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I saw the sun rise and little snowflakes fall to the ground. How long have I been standing here and why is it suddenly so cold? It didn't really matter after I heard a voice from far away.

"Come quickly, this way" says a young woman.

"About 100 meters away" I whispered. I heard every single step.

There were two men, probably policemen, and a woman and I could hear her pulse. It was beating very fast. Did she see me? I noticed them getting closer and closer and started to run until I heard the policemen running after me. You could hear every single step i did because of the snow.


I knew I wouldn't make it by running, so I concentrated well and thought of a small village I had seen on TV once. The village of sokovia. I kept running and running with my eyes closed so that I could concentrate better and after a few seconds I didn't hear any crunching while running. No more snow? Did I make it? I opened my eyes and saw...
A small store in front of me.

"Well at least somewhere else" I whispered and ran in without realizing that my clothes were torn and still dirty. You could hear the little bell as I entered the store. I saw several people all staring at me strangely. I tried to ignore them but heard everything they whispered.

"is she homeless?"

"ew what is she wearing"

"Her clothes look like a pile of garbage"


Well, to be honest, I agree with them. I didn't really look normal so I looked for new clothes. I just grabbed something really quickly. So that these people don't have to look at me anymore. It makes me uncomfortable. Can't they think of something else! I wanted to walk to shoes part but i saw the watch and calendar corner. Wait... calendars? I quickly turned around and sort of ran to the calendars. I looked at a paper calendar from top to bottom. Until suddenly I unintentionally spoke out loud.

"SHIT!!" Oops.

Everyone was looking at me again, but to be honest, I don't mind at the moment. It's the year 2008. 2008!?! How could I have traveled over 30 years into the future again? I had to stop looking so surprised otherwise people would think I was totally crazy.

*5 minutes later*

I walked to the checkout where an old sweet granny was standing smiling at me. I could hear her heart beating faster and faster. Is she scared of me? I tried to ignore it until I heard another male voice.

"Ванда, я думаю, она одна из нас"


As if there are people here who speak Russian.
I listened carefully to see if they might say something else, ignoring the cashier completely.

"His Russian accent is so attractive" I whispered.

"Excuse me, mom? Could you please pay now! There are already others waiting" she said, already annoyed. It looked like she wasn't as cute as she looked.

I turned around and apologized.

"ehm how much was it again?"


I reached into my pocket and felt nothing. Oh shit. I guess life is a little poorer without Tony.

"Could I maybe pay it later?...I forgot my money at home" I lied.

"That can't be true! Of course not!" she half shouted.

"Hurry up, I still have appointments" I heard a smartly dressed person behind me.

"Пьетро! Перестань игнорировать меня! Если она должна быть одной из нас, нам следует поговорить с ней. Так что давайте заплатим за ее вещи."

"Please i-"

"Here," someone interrupted me and put €25 on the table. The voice. Was it the boy who spoke Russian? I turned to the side and saw a tall, white blond-haired and good-looking Russian man. Next to him was a girl who looked very much like him. Probably his sister.

I stared into his eyes without realizing it

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I stared into his eyes without realizing it. Until he briefly pretended to cough.

"Oh, thank you," I turned around and smiled at him.

I took the clothes and went out as quickly as possible. I heard the footsteps of the two of them and turned around after I stepped out the door.

"oh hi, thanks again. So if you want the money back, you can come with me so I can get it from home" of course I lied. I didn't even have a home and I certainly didn't have any money.

"Боже мой! "Она на самом деле не думает, что мы следили за ней, чтобы вернуть деньги." she said, giggling.

Instead, the boy just smirked.

"No, it's all good. I know you have no place to sleep. If you want, you can spend the night with us," said the girl with the most beautiful Russian accent.

"What? How do you know that?" I asked in amazement.

"It looks like you're not the only one who can do that," said the boy, looking at her with a grin.

"My name is Pietro. Pietro Maximoff and this is my twin sister Wanda and what's yours?" said Pietro and asked.

"Y/n L/n"

HIII i actually love this (bc u love pietro) chapter so i hope u enjoyed it.
Vote please💓

Words count: 877

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