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They showed me a lot of things and I have to admit that the village is so small, it really has a lot. We went to several small shops. Also at a wonderful little café. Then we were in a flower park at the end of the village. Thank God Pietro can move so quickly otherwise we would have to walk for half an hour and I wouldn't feel like doing that. The garden was full of lavender and there were even several pieces of floral art. I was amazed... How could nature create something so fabulous. The last thing we did was go to the library.

"Oh man Pitro...why do we have to walk now? "Can't you run us back there?" I sighed.

"It's only 5 minutes y/n" Wanda replied giggling.

"Y/n you can do it," Pietro explained and laughed at me.

"OK...if you say so" I groaned exhausted.

*5 minutes later*

"we are there"

"Wooow" I was amazed. It was the largest house in the village. It was also the biggest library I've ever seen. But probably only because I first saw two and now three. We all went in together.
"Oh my god, it looks even bigger from inside," I cheered. I saw Pietro looking me in the eyes the whole time but ignored it even though I was so happy about it.

 I saw Pietro looking me in the eyes the whole time but ignored it even though I was so happy about it

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"Y/n, brother I have to get a certain book, go to the computers"

"Wait Wanda, I'm coming with you. Y/n the computers are in the back on the left." he said.

Doesn't he want to be alone with me?

" К твоему сведению, ты тупой ублюдок, ПЬЕТРО!! Я хотел, чтобы ты остался с ней наедине." Wanda insulted Pietro.

I wonder what they always talk about in Russian. I'm afraid it's something about me. Am I doing something wrong?

They said they would come to me when they were finished. I ran to the left but got lost. Oops. My left-right weakness. After 5 minutes I finally found the computers. Thank goodness I know how to use these things because Carol taught me.

I looked for creatures that also had unusual powers. Oh my God. There were so many of us at. Why didn't I know about it? There are so many articles about us. Mutants, monsters that was clear, the others and more? So that's what we're called? Well, I've heard that somewhere before. I would have liked a better name but oh well. I went further down the search list.

Wanda's POV:

"Pietro, what kind of book are you looking for?" I asked him.

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