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*1 week later*

We were all sitting at the table eating breakfast. We talked about what we were going to do today. Carol said that she would try to help me with teleporting and other things. We had been trying all week but nothing came out. I couldn't do either of them anymore. I was disappointed but Carol didn't give up. She knows I can do it and I need you to try harder, she always said.

"Do you want to go shopping with me and Monica after?" asked Maria.

I thought about it. I would rather study all day but I really needed new clothes. People usually looked at me weird because I was wearing clothes no one wore anymore.

"But I don't have any money," I said a little sadly.

"All right, I'll pay for everything."

"No, that's not necessary..."

"But you are part of our family now."

I smiled. Family.

"Thank you."

*After breakfast*

"Carol can we get going?"

She nodded and we went out to the backyard. She brought a chair and placed it 10 meters away from me.

"So try to teleport there." she said kindly.

"But I can't-"

"You can do it, concentrate."

I did it and closed my eyes.

After five minutes I gave up and sighed. I opened my eyes again.

"Look I can't do it."

"Yes you can, keep trying."

"It's not worth it-"


I did it and closed my eyes. I concentrated and suddenly felt something.

"Oh my God..." she whispered."

"What?" I asked her, about to open my eyes.

"Keep them closed."

After a while I asked again. She said the same thing again. But I ignored it and opened my eyes. When suddenly I saw...

The chair was floating.

I was so amazed that I couldn't concentrate anymore and the chair fell down.

"WOW WOW WAS THAT ME?" I asked in shock.

"Yes you did." said Carol with a smile.

"Well not really what I was supposed to do-"

"OMG Y/N." screamed Monica and came over to me. Maria stood at the door looking amazed.


"Wow Monica not so much at once." spoke Maria as she came in.

I laughed.

"I don't know how that happened. I think I can probably do more."

"Do you think it was from the stones...?"

"I don't know but I think so. Wait I'll try again."

"Hey hey Y/n you better stop and maybe get some rest. I'm sure it was hard and you don't have much strength left." Carol interrupted me.

She was right but I wanted more. I wanted to see if I could do more. I was sure I could do more but I couldn't control it yet. Those stones...I hope they're still around somewhere.

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