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I woke up because of a bright light. I couldn't remember yesterday, but I was sure it wasn't my room. I heard someone knocking on the door. I kept silent. Someone came in but I pretended to be asleep.


My head started talking...

She is still not awake. Is she still alive?

These were definitely not my thoughts.

I woke up normally and saw that...

tony stark standing in front of me.

TONY STARK?!? I knew him because i saw him many times on the TV.

I pretended not to know him "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT YEAR IS IT?" I asked very loudly. I should have rather not asked the second questions yet.

"First how do you not know me? Second why do you want to know the year? Third, I'm Tony Stark."

"Oh my god so-"

"Yes." he interrupted me. He probably knew what I was going to say.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so-"

"Hey everything's ok. The more important question is How are you doing?"

"To be honest I don't know. How did I get here anyway?"

"I found you in the woods jogging. You had some injuries and I didn't know how long you had been there." he said kindly.

Now I remembered again. Bucky. I looked at him. But why would someone like him be itching to see someone lying on the ground? He must think I'm homeless. It was embarrassing to see me in that exact situation. Well, besides, Howard... He'll probably quiz me when he sees me. I can't trust anyone, Fury said. I'm not going to trust anyone either.

I wonder what she's thinking about.


They weren't mine...they were his.

"Oh my god." I said in a whisper and looked deep into his eyes.

"A lot of people say that when they see me." he said laughing.

I rolled my eyes. Of course he would say that.

I thought about what year it is and how it is possible that I can even read minds. I tried to read his mind to somehow figure out what year it is. I really concentrated and took a deep breath. He looked at me wounded. Suddenly I could get inside his head and see everything. I didn't look for any private stuff but only for the date.

Finally I found it...


I looked at him.

For a long time.

"Do you want something to eat?" he said with a smile.

Fury actually always told me how arrogant Stark is but it doesn't seem that arrogant to me. I think he's like 16/17 and that's maybe why he's not like that yet.

He didn't know what was going to happen in 1991 yet. Fury told me a lot about him including the death of his parents in...1991. He was only 21.


"Sorry, yes with pleasure."

"You can come down or do you want me to bring you something?"

He was really nice. Very nice and still good looking at the same time.

"But what do your parents think-"

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