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"That you would be my girlfriend"

I was amazed and looked at him for a while. To be honest, I wouldn't have minded, but to do it like this? I didn't want to make it so awkward for him so I just said.

"Yes" and smiled at him.

My smile disappeared when I realized how stupid my answer sounded. Couldn't I have just said "Yeah sure good idea"

"Like yes?"

"E-Eh yes I mean good idea"

"So we're going through with it?"


I saw his little smirking and had to start laughing. He's so attractive!

"Hey, why are you laughing at me?"

The time I spent with him almost made me forget about bucky but he's still somewhere in my heart. I know I should forget him...I can't. He is the love of my life or was he?...

*5 hours later*

*ring ring*

"Oh shit is it them?"

Tony went to the door and peeked through the hole. He looked at me and nodded. I panicked. My hands suddenly started shaking. I even felt my hands start to sweat. I saw Tony give me a disappointed look and I suddenly heard:

"Oh no Y/N not now. I should have guessed she wouldn't make it"

"Excuse me?"

"I didn't say anything, did I?"

"What do you mean? You just said that I supposedly wouldn't make it"

Tony looked deep into my soul without saying anything. I did the same. Then I remembered. No no no, that can't be true... My powers. Reading thoughts. Was it is? Or am I just telling myself that? I can't be serious! Why exactly now! I couldn't do it all the time, but now!

"Where is he!"

But this time it wasn't Tony's voice...

"He can't even open the door"

Horwad. I still remember his voice from his performance where I was with...Bucky.

"Y/n. Y/N!!!"

I felt someone shaking me.


I realized I had my eyes closed and opened them. Why did I have them closed? What just happened?

"Y/n you have to concentrate now!!! I have to let my parents in now. Just like we practiced! My birthday, favorite store.,first party,..."

To be honest, after the word "concentrate" I stopped listening to him. I heard a door open.

"Dad, mom, I have to introduce you to someone." He turned to pull me out.

"Another one you promised a car to?" he sighed with his back still turned to us. Instead, his mother was already smiling at me ingratiatingly.

"No dad. My girlfriend y/n" he said annoyed.

"Did I hear the word "girlfriend"?" Then he turned around and looked me up and down. He raised his eyebrows and I just waved at them both.

*1 hour later*

"So how long have you been together?"

we both looked at each other.

"2 wee-"

"Two months" Tony interrupted me and kissed me. Wow kissing me?

"Two months like that? Y/n then why didn't you ever come to us?" his father asked me as if he already knew we were lying.

"We wanted to keep it a secret at first until we were both ready"

He looked at me again with raised eyebrows and stared into my soul. I saw his mother notice and want to intervene.

"Dinner's ready."

That broke the silence. Thank you, Maria. We all ran to the table.

*After eating*

I was about to get up when Howard stopped me. I saw Tony staring at me quizzically.

"Honey, let her up too," Tony's mom said.

"No, I need to talk to y/n on my own for a minute."

I looked at Tony with wide eyes. He looked at me too, of course.

"Y/n I know...

Hi guys i think the las time i updated  was like in may? 😭 Im sorry but know i finally did so. I Hope u guys like it.
Vote please 💘

Words: 658

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