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"What is this place...?" I whispered.

"A secret underground military base," Professor X answered me with a smile.

"Charles, why did I never find out about this place? I thought you trusted me

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"Charles, why did I never find out about this place? I thought you trusted me ... Besides, this place would have helped me a lot more with my training ..." Jean snorted sadly.

"It was for your own good. This place is top secret! It dates back to the Second World War and is only for people with extreme powers ... Before you say anything, Jean. I know you're very strong, but this place is for people who can Do a lot more than you ... a lot more than all of us here put together and I think one of those people might be Y/n . He looked at me.

"WAIT WHAT?? ME?! YOU MOSTLY ME?? Y/N L/N?? I'm supposed to be one of those people? I think you have me confused with Jean," I yelled. Jean smiled at me when I said that.

"No, I'm very sure it's you," Professor X tried to make me understand.

"But... I don't understand."

" You will understand "

I was annoyed by this answer. What is this? What am I actually doing here? To be honest, I can't do anything.

Professor X came closer to me, took my hand and looked deep into my eyes.

" I understand you, Y/n. I don't want you to think that. I had a same time when I thought I couldn't do anything, even though I was so powerful. So listen to me... If I say it's you, then you're one of those special people," he told me.

I just nodded with a big smile. That helped ... His words were actually helping me a lot at the moment. Finally, some of my self-confidence came back. Will he help me? Will I finally find out what powers I have and how I can control them ...?

"Yes you will, don't worry about that"

I smiled.

"Shall we start now? I want to finally see what she can do," Jean said, annoyed.

Me and Professor x laughed.

"Let's get started then," said Professor X, clapping twice as music suddenly played. That reminds me of my time with Tony Stark . He always clapped to turn on the music. Oh Tony...but wait a minute...this song...THIS IS MY F/S.

"OMG, I LOVE THIS SONG!!! IT'S MY F/S!!!" I screamed.

Jean laughed, but then asked, "But Charles...where does the music come from. There's literally nothing here?"

"HA CHARLES!!! I WON!" someone suddenly shouted.

We turned around and saw Storm, and the whole room turned into several compartmentalized modern fighting/training rooms.

We turned around and saw Storm, and the whole room turned into several compartmentalized modern fighting/training rooms

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