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*4 days later*

It is Sunday.

The 03.14.1942

The last day.

The last day before he leaves.

The whole morning these words were going through my head.

"He's leaving tomorrow."

"He's leaving tomorrow."


"He's leaving tomorrow."

"Y/n!" someone yelled. It was my mother.

"Y/n the breakfast is ready."


I ran down the stairs to the kitchen. My father was sitting there as usual with his newspaper and coffee.
We were eating.


No one was talking.

Suddenly my mother said "He's leaving tomorrow."

Not that sentence again. I looked sadly at my food.

"It was logical that he should be accepted" my father said proudly.

I sighed.

"He's perfect for it."

We didn't speak for the last ten minutes. I put my plate away and left the kitchen. I was about to run upstairs when my mother stopped me.

"Is everything all right?"


"I can drive you to him later."


I tried to hide my smile but my mother was already grinning at me. I rolled my eyes then happily said "Yes please." and went upstairs.

*3 hours later*

I was listening to music. I love music. Music is like a home for me. Music is the only thing that still makes me happy and of course him too.

*knock knock*


"Can I come in?"

"Of  course."

My mom walked in with a smile. I love my mother. She always takes such good care of me, wants me to be well she just does everything for me."

"Oh that's my f/s."

"I know it's my f/s too."

"Looks like we have good taste." she said laughing.

I looked at her smiling. My mother. The woman who is always there for me. Forever.

"Thank you."


"For being my mother."

She smiled and hugged me. I love her hugs. They always make me feel so safe.
We sat there for a long time, both of us still holding each other. after a few minutes she let me go and smiled.

"Come on let's go now."

She took my hand and we went downstairs. She just opened the door when we saw Bucky.

He was smiling. I smiled too. He gave me this head bob to go with him.

I said a quick goodbye to my mom and ran to him. He hugged me. I looked into his eyes.

I saw.

"BUCKY!?! Are you crying?" i said laughing.


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