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I woke up at night and could not sleep. It was 4 o'clock in the morning. I was lying in bed all the time and looked at the fully bloody glass panes that were still lying there. I turned around and noticed that the sun was just coming up. Wait, what? Sunrise is at 4 o'clock? I looked at the clock and saw that it was 6 o'clock. That is not possible. Did I really look at it for 2 hours?

After 5 minutes I got up, opened my window to watch the sunrise.

It reminded me of Bucky so beautiful.

Suddenly I saw something big shining flying from the sky.

"What is that?"

I saw other people going out and they were all looking up too. It could be a meteorite, so from the size it would fit. I looked again and saw it speeding towards me, but it wasn't getting bigger, it was getting smaller.

After a while the people went back inside. They thought it would be more exciting. Well, I had nothing better to do. They still raced down. I wanted to calculate where they will land to look at them closely as they suddenly raced in my garden. I climbed out of the window to have a closer look.

After five minutes I finally managed to get down. I ran to the glowing parts when I heard someone call out

"Y/n? You're finally out of your room".

My mother.

I ran anyway and saw that it looked like glowing stones. There were six stones purple, orange, blue, yellow, red and green. They were so beautiful.

"I'm sure I can get a lot of money with these and finally get out of here." I whispered.

I slowly took my hands out of my pockets and was about to touch them.

"DON'T TOUCH THEM!Y/n!" she yelled.

I ignored her and took all the stones in my hands at the same time.


Her voice was suddenly gone. I wondered and quickly turned around.

She was gone.


What ever.

I stood up and looked in my hand where the stones should be.


They were gone.

"No no no please don't."

I searched everywhere on the grass when suddenly I heard a loud crash. I turned around again already. Oh no, two cars hit each other. I quickly ran to see if the people were okay but...

there was no one in the cars. Again. I heard the crash again and several cars crashed into each other. I ran again and saw again no people in any of the cars.

"What, where is everyone."

I ran home as fast as I could.

"Mom,Dad? Are you here?"


"HELLO? I'M SORRY." not really but maybe they will answer me.

No one.

Nobody was here.

How could that be? She was just behind me, wasn't she? What happened?

I went to my neighbors and knocked on the door. Their car was there, so they should be there, but no one answered. I knocked and knocked but no one was there.


I didn't hear anyone anymore.

The city was empty.

I quickly ran upstairs to my room and packed as many clothes as I could into my bag. I went to my closet next to the bed and took the small picture of me and Bucky. I looked at it for a few seconds and quickly put it in my jacket pocket. I ran down the stairs and was about to get something to eat in the kitchen when suddenly I...

Hi guys !! Sorry its a short chapter but i hope u still liked it!!
Thanks for reading and pls vote<3

words count: 620

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