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*6 months later*

It was just after New Year's Eve and we had been here for 6 months. During this time I really got my powers under control except for traveling through the universes, where I had no hope anyway. I trained every day from morning to night. I can teleport to any place in the world, travel in any time up to 10 years and the other powers too. Although that's the most important thing about traveling through the universes. I would like to stay here and I'm sure the others would too, but we couldn't just leave our universe, so we changed a whole timeline. How I knew all this was because of the X-men. They helped me look everywhere for books that helped us, we went to almost every major library in the world to look for important books. We found very few books about it, I understand that too. In this universe, something else has happened to the universes. I don't even think they know it existed.

After the training with Charles today, I was completely overwhelmed. I didn't know how I could stand it for months. I immediately went out to eat to find Pietro. The whole month Pietro and Wanda came to eat later than me, which I didn't understand because their training sessions were actually shorter. They were still always out late and not with their trainers but on their own. I never asked because I thought they just wanted to control their strength better, although they were generally able to. But after 6 months I realized that this was no longer normal. I asked the others but they could never answer why or didn't even know. So my plan was to ask them this time. After half an hour they came and looked at me with raised eyebrows that I never actually waited for them.

 After half an hour they came and looked at me with raised eyebrows that I never actually waited for them

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"Y/n, what are you doing here?" Wanda asked a little uncertainly.

"Why are you asking? Is that a problem?" I asked her curiously, as I really wanted to know what was behind it all. I saw Wanda and Pietro looking at each other nervously. I knew I could just go into their minds, but I never did that without an understanding. After a few seconds, they nodded to each other and Pietro started talking...

"So how should I explain this...you know...what Stark has done. You also know that we still suffer from it, of course, he killed our parents and almost killed us too.  We also suffered for years and...because we had the opportunity now, we just wanted to use it. You probably don't understand what I mean now. We thought we could prepare ourselves...so that he would get what he deserved! His karma. We should at least try-" I was completely lost. How did he come up with such an ending? Yes, I know he killed his family, but that doesn't mean killing him too, does it? That wouldn't be any better but I have to say, I can't really put myself in his shoes. So I shouldn't really think about it at all. It would actually be best if I listened to him so that I really know what he actually wants to do. Maybe he just wants revenge, that doesn't have to mean "killing him".

"...kill him"

ok, then I must have misjudged it...well, I understand him a bit, but I don't know what to think. Besides, how is he supposed to kill him if we're not even in the same universe? He should think about that first.

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