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*3 months later*

Carol's encouragement had helped me a lot. I could already control my powers well, but sometimes there were difficulties.

After a while I met Nick Fury. He was probably a good friend of Carol. He was okay and looked a bit like he didn't like me but Carol said he was like that with almost everyone. I saw that Fury and Carol had a good friendship. That made me kind of happy I don't know why. He asked me if I wanted to work for him (so superhero stuff and all). Of course I said yes.

After 1 month of proper training I had my first mission. A very difficult one at that. I was supposed to catch someone called "The Winter soldier". They told me that I had to be able to control my powers and that I would probably have to use them.

"Y/n if anything goes wrong and you end up in a place or time, you can't tell anyone about yourself. You would change all the time maybe and that must not happen. Do not trust anyone. Do you understand that?"

"Furry come down. Nothing is going to happen. I can control it just fine." I said and had to laugh because he was so scared.

Furry sighed.

"I keep forgetting you're just a kid."

"HEY! Not a kid a teenager and actually I'm older than you!"


Then it was time. Everyone was ready. We flew to Russia to a small deserted village. We waited for him to come off the little road next to the lake.

"Fury do you really think he will come?" I asked pissed off. We have been waiting for twenty minutes.

"pshhh Y/n Yes. I know you're not patient but you have to wait."

"Oh come on Fury that brings-" I stopped when I heard something.

"That's him. Get ready everyone."

He raced past us and we all fired at him. He didn't get a shot off.

"Oh my god." I said in amazement.

Well, at least now I know why no one could catch him all these years. He was fast. Very fast. There were so many people around him. How could he not get anything? They didn't even touch a hair on his head. He had about shoulder-length hair and probably had a mask on so he couldn't be recognized. You could also see that he had a metal arm, which surprised me. No one told me this, although I think it is important. I don't know why it should be important, but it is.
He turned around and drove off again. But just as we were aiming at him, he jumped off the bike so he didn't get off any shots again.

Suddenly he started shooting at us. He hit some. In the head.

I got scared and started shaking.

"Is everything okay Y/n? If you want I can take you to a safe place." Coulson asked worriedly.

"N-no everything is ok. I can do it."

"Are you sure?"


He came my way and tried to shoot at me but I resisted.

"Y/N NOW! Like we planned!" yelled Fury, looking at me.

I nodded. I let fly two cars and threw them at him.

Right where I threw them he jumped over the cars at the right time. OVER THE TWO CARS!?!?


"Fury We can't stop him. We have to go now. Not that he'll kill more!" said I.

"We can't go! We finally got him in one place. We have to catch him!" he said, getting angrier and angrier.

"Alright." said I and shot him right on the mask.

"YES!" I yelled.

The mask fell to the ground.

I looked up at him.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Bucky?..." I whispered.

He looked at me aggressively.

"Good job Y/n." said Furry.

"Bucky?" I said louder so he would understand me and know I meant him.

"Who's Bucky?" he said in a low voice.

He was no longer himself.

Why is he still alive?

He got his motorcycle and was about to leave.


I froze. I couldn't move.

Then he was gone.


I didn't really understand it all.

"Ok..." I said still shocked.

I tried to concentrate but I couldn't. I had his face in my head the whole time. Only him. Bucky. I closed my eyes to concentrate better. When I felt something, I opened my eyes.

"Oh no."

I was suddenly in the forest. There was a lake next to it. It looked exactly the same as before, only this time there was a forest here and no road.

"I don't want to know what time I'm in..."

I tried to get back but I was so exhausted that I almost couldn't move. I fell on the ground because I tried so many times. I had to rest. I tried not to close my eyes.

But after a while...

I was gone.

Furry's pov:

"Where is she?" asked Coulson anxiously. He was always so afraid something would happen to her. She was just a kid.

"Wait and see, I know she'll be back," I said. This time I wasn't really sure.

"Fury. She's not coming-"

"ONE MORE MINUTE!" he yelled.

"Come on you can do it." whispered Coulson.

We stood there for 5 minutes waiting for something to happen. At least a sign.

I sighed in disappointment.

"We have to go," Coulson said sadly.

Hii guys! i hope u liked it. Be ready for the next chapter!!
Thanks for reading and vote please!<3

words count: 951

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