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*6 months later*

It is 12/31/2008. One day before New Year. My life hasn't been any better since I met them. I got a new family, met the love of my life, learned to control my powers. Well at least most of the powers like telepathy, telekinesis and teleportation. Besides, no one found us in this small area. I could really imagine living here . To spend my life here with the people I loved.

I woke up next to my beautiful boyfriend. His eyes shone because of the sun's rays, so to me they actually always shone but it didn't matter. He smiled at myself.

"Good morning, printessa," he murmured.

"Good morning," I yawned.

"What time is it?"

"10 o'clock-" he was about to answer me.


"because I wanted to let you sleep-"

"DON'T INTERRUPT ME NOW. I'M ALREADY WAY TOO LATE. I STILL HAVE SO MUCH TO DO." I shrieked and threw Pietro off the bed.

"Ouch. y/n wouldn't you have at least let me sleep in" Pietro said painfully.


"My darling, calm down," he said. He turned to me and saw I was already dressed.

"How did u u so quickly? Can you move fast now or something" he joked.

"Now get dressed too," I said annoyed before I went out.

As I was walking down, I felt a breeze and I saw the whole house decorated. Wow...that was it. I could smell delicious food from the hallway. Who was that? Wanda? As if she did it all voluntarily. Never. But who else was it? I ran to the kitchen and saw Wanda and Pietro. Pietro smirked at me. Did he sneak past me!?

"Do you like it?" Pietro asked me

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"Do you like it?" Pietro asked me. I ran to him and hugged him.

"YES TOTALLY" I shrieked and gave him a long kiss.

"ew...can't you do that somewhere else. All this kissing is always annoying," Wanda snapped at us.

We just laughed at her and rolled our eyes.

"So do you think there is anything going on in the village today?" I asked.

"Well, I don't think so...but we can do a lot here at home" he answered.

"Yes, but we still need firework rockets"

Pietro flashed and came back with several boxes full of rockets. How was that possible? When did he buy them? How have they been together all these weeks? He didn't...

 How was that possible? When did he buy them? How have they been together all these weeks? He didn't

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