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A – Aftercare


You feel your entire body tremble as your orgasm washes over you. Nick is still moving his hips, pounding you into the mattress as he chases his release.

"Fuck baby, squeezing my cock so tight. Give me one more Angel, just one more." He lifts your leg to change the angle and hit your spot over and over, causing you to scream again and cum once more. The tightness of your pussy triggered Nick's own release as he made sure all of his cream stayed inside of you. He slowed and collapsed on top of you, burying his head into your shoulder and hair.

"Nicky," you moaned as he twitched inside of you.

"Sorry baby, hang on." He made sure to be careful as he pulled out from inside you. You were overstimulated by the four orgasms that he pulled from you, and he didn't want to hurt you. As soon as he could, he hurried into your bathroom, warmed up the water and soaked a washcloth for you, wringing it out so he could take care of you.

You haven't moved yet. How could you when he had basically blown your brains out. His talented fingers and tongue had destroyed you twice before his magnificent cock had done it a couple more times.

Nick grinned at your blissed out expression and carefully moved next to you. He ran the cloth over your thighs before gently rubbing your over-sensitized folds. You flinched from the shock. "I'm sorry baby, did I hurt you?"

"No, baby, just sensitive. I'm ok." You smiled at him, a dopey look still on your face.

"Good, I don't want to hurt my baby. Let's take a shower and then we can have some tea and cuddles. Would you like that?"

You nodded and he lifted you up, bridal style. No matter how rough he got, Nick always made sure you were clean and comfortable after. It made giving what he wanted easier to give. 

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