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N – Necklace

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N – Necklace

Jewelry was not something you thought a lot about. You wore a simple necklace with a tiny butterfly charm and your engagement ring, both from Nick and not much else. As you laid in bed one night, Nick ghosted his fingers over your neck and traced over your collar bone. "Baby girl, is there a piece of jewelry you've always wanted?"

"Not really," you replied, hitching your breath as Nick ghosted his finger over the spot behind your ear.

"I always pictured you in pearls," he said.

"Well, isn't that the domestic picture. The little woman in pearls," you scoffed.

"I didn't mean it like that, love. I meant your skin would look beautiful with the pearl color." He moved to get on top of you so you can look at him in the eye, but you keep your head turned. "Just because you will be my wife doesn't mean I want a housewife. Love," he pinched your chin gently to move your head. "You are my equal, so stop with the brattiness."

"I'm not a brat." You pushed him away half-heartedly. Nick grinned and grabbed your arms and pinned them above your head.

"You're actin' like one," he said huskily. He moved to kiss your neck and shoulders. "I think you should make it up to me."

You moaned at the sensation of his breath on your flesh. "How?"

"Suck me off baby girl. Let me fuck that mouth." The desire in his eyes is evident as his pupils make the blue in his eyes almost disappear.

"Well, you have to get off of me to do that," you reply, wiggling underneath him.

"I don't think I do, baby girl." Nick shifted his hips over your neck and shoved his cock into your warm mouth. Your eyes widen as his thick head passes your lips. You immediately open your jaw to allow him in and he swivel his hips to fuck your throat.

His eyes are casted down as he watches from above, his cock sliding into your mouth and watching your neck bulge slightly. "Fuck baby, taking me so well." He can feel the hum of your acceptance of his praise. He stops for a second to adjust your neck so you can accept him better. "I'm going to mark your body so you know you belong to me."

Your eyes crinkle slightly at his words but then you feel him throb. He's close. You slide your tongue on the underside of his cock to get him to his end. You want to drink him, taste him. But as he groans when his orgasm peaks, he pulls away from your mouth, stroking his cock and cums all over your neck and chest.

Nick holds himself up on the headboard as he gently pumps his dick and lets go of every single drop. He's breathing hard, staring down at you as your chest rises and falls fast.

His cum is pearly white and sliding down your neck and chest. Then you remembered your list. And smile. "A necklace," you whispered.

"I did say you would look good in pearl," he smirked. "But it does go with this." He reaches over and gives you a small velvet box. Inside is a string of pears and matching earrings. "Just a reminder of how good you look in pearl."


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