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Calling Nick from your office, you twirl around in your chair, waiting for him to pick up

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Calling Nick from your office, you twirl around in your chair, waiting for him to pick up.


"Hi baby!"

"Hey sweetheart. How are you?"

"I'm good. Just making a shopping list. Anything special you want?"

Nick chuckles. "No, not really. Maybe some ice cream since it's warm out."

You hmm in agreement and a wicked thought crosses your mind. "Sure, I can get some ice cream."

Once at home, you store your purchases as Nick walks through the door. "Sweetheart? I'm home."

"Hi baby!" You walk over to greet him with a kiss. "I ordered a pizza."

"Great! Too fucking hot. Eighty-nine in April is ridiculous."

You giggled. "Agreed. Should be here any minute. Oh, and I got your ice cream. And toppings. I figured we could make sundaes."

Nick nodded. "Sounds like a plan." He flipped on the TV, a hockey game was on. He's distracted now, which helps in your plan. You went to change, slipping into a black lace number but covering yourself with one of Nick's soft button downs. You hear the pizza guy at the door and Nick greets and pays him.

You come out and Nick is still not paying attention. You huff slightly, grabbing two beers from the fridge and the can of whipped cream. You plopped yourself into the big armchair and grab a slice, your bare legs dangling from the side. You both finished dinner, and just as the third period started, you grabbed the whipped cream can and squirted some in your mouth.

Nick finally glanced over and sputtered in his beer as he saw you in just his shirt, swallowing the creaming white cream from the can. "Sweetheart?"

"Hmm?" You didn't take your eyes off the screen, watching the puck go back and forth. This caused you to miss Nick moving behind you until you felt the tips of his thick fingers ghosting over your collar bone. You sigh at his touch.

"You said there was ice cream for dessert?"

"Mhmm," you reply as you raised the can to your mouth. But before the sweet creamy substance could be dispensed, Nick snatched it out of your hand. "Hey!"

Without any words, Nick hauled you up and over his shoulder. "Nicky!" He set you down on the counter of the island and stands between your legs. Nothing is said, just his heated gaze on you. He starts to unbutton his shirt, slowly, his skin never contacting yours. Your breath hitches as he reaches the last button, and he glimpses at the black lace.

You watch as his pupils diolate a little more. He grabs the can and squirts a little over the swell of each breast and then licks it off. You moan at the sensation of his tongue over your body. When he was done, he reached for the chocolate sauce.

"Baby, what are you doing?"

"Making a deconstructed ice cream sundae." He undid your bra and made you lay back. He poured some chocolate over your nipples and began to suck it off, making your arch and moan. He stopped and went to the freezer to grab some good old fashion vanilla. Your chest was heaving as he grabbed a spoon. He scooped up a dollop of the cold dessert and dropped it right in your navel. The cold burn and you hissed. Nick chucked but bent to eat the ice cream up.

"Oh god, Nicky," as he begins to peel your panties away. He grabbed the chocolate once again and poured a little at the top of your mound. He licked it off, dipping towards your clit at the end. You squealed at the sensation. Nick lapped at your slit, your taste mixing with the chocolate in his mouth.

It was torture but now you wanted revenge.

Quick as a flash you were on your knees in front of Nick, tugging at his belt and pushing his slacks down as far as necessary to let his glorious thick cock spring out. You grabbed the can of whipped cream and sprayed a little on the tip. With your eyes on his, you licked the tip.

Nick's eyes rolled to the back of his head, and he let out a loud moan as you sprayed a little more along his length and proceeded to lick it off. The cream is mixing with the precome leaking from him, making a new delicious flavor. Ice cream would be a bad idea on this part of his body but the chocolate, well, it would make a fine reason to lick his balls.

Nick was ready to blow after you sucked the chocolate right off his balls. He couldn't wait. He picked you up and set you on the kitchen table. You were still sticky with ice cream, but Nick couldn't give a shit. He lined himself up and slammed into you. You screamed at the force, but Nick was in a carnal state, needing to fuck you hard and fast. He drove in, over and over as you wailed his name. He needed more, so he picked you up again, never disconnecting and got your onto the couch, draping himself over you. Your bodies are slick with sweat and sticky from the ice cream.

"Fuck," Nick says, "I love ice cream for dessert." You can't help but giggle and then moan as Nick drives her to the ending.

"Nick, oh, god, so close." You grasp your nails into his arm. The pain is the perfect catalyst to get Nick to the end.

"Come for me," he orders.

It sends you over the edge, prompting Nick to release as well.

After cleaning up, you were resting on the couch when Nick appeared in his boxers, holding two bowls. You looked up at him curiously. "I made you a sundae." You snorted with laughter and took the bowl. You took a bite and made a face. "What's wrong?"

"Doesn't taste the same without the under taste of your cum."

Nick chokes.  


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