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T ~ Tension

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T ~ Tension

The limo ride back to the town home is evil. Its torture. You might combust and die as how much Nick isn't touching you. He can see how much you are squirming and still he does nothing. He taps his fingers to the remote, playing with the speed and the wave of the panties.

You try desperately to keep your moans at bay but its getting harder. Finally, you break. "Nicky," you whine, "please."

"Please what, pretty girl?"

"Touch me," you whispered, your head leaning back in the car.

"Can't wait, can you?"

"No, you're teasing too much," you sob. "I... I need you." A fat tear of frustration rolled down your cheek.

Nick chuckled and reached for you, pulling you into his lap. Your dress rides up and he can feel the heat from your pussy right over his bulge. "Are you wet, pretty girl?" You nod as Nick swipes two fingers through your folds. "Oh, yes you are. Lay back, beautiful."

Nick peels off the panties and tosses them to the floor. He undid his belt and pants and slid his pants down just enough to release his cock. He strokes it a few times before hauling you back into his lap. "Let me fill you up, my good girl." He let you sink onto him, the stretch was glorious.

"Nicky," you moan lowly. He starts to lift your hips as he thrusts up as the car continued through the streets. You kept your moans low, aware of the audience driving you. Your body was a tight string that just needed to be plucked one more time.

"C'mon baby, you gotta be quick," Nick whispered as he placed nips and kisses on your neck. He pushed his hand between your bodies and slowly circled your clit with just enough pressure to set you off.

Before you could scream, Nick grabbed the back of your head and swallowed your cries with his lips. He only needed a couple of more juts up and he met you in heaven. All the tension from the romantic gestures, the sensation of the panties, left your body in a rush and you collapsed on top of him.

"Did I hurt you?" Nick pressed kisses to your head as you tried to calm your body down.

"No," you whispered. "I was just wound up really tight."

"Let me get you to bed, my sweet girl. You did so good for me tonight." Nick lifted your gently, used the handkerchief to clean you off before pulling your dress down. He scooped up the vibrating panties and put them in his pocket as the car slowed in front of your townhome.

Nick smiled as he held his hand out to help you out. He handed the driver a tip. "Tell Chris I owe him one," he said.

"Yes sir, have a good evening." The driver smirked and you blushed.


"An old student of mine. He's famous now but still likes to visit me when he's in town. He loaned me his car for the night."

Nick ushered you in and you saw all the candles and flowers. "Oh my, Nick..."

"I'm so proud of you baby." He kissed your neck softly. "You deserve the world." 


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