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A/N: I am finally feeling better and what's a better way to celebrate returning from the metaphorical dead than to post a special SIN-day episode! Here we go!

A/N: I am finally feeling better and what's a better way to celebrate returning from the metaphorical dead than to post a special SIN-day episode! Here we go!

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E - Experimentation

For as long as you made Nick wait to have sex with you, you had never feared him in the bedroom. Sure, sex could be rough and hard but he always made you feel safe.

One night, he came in with an idea. "Sweetheart, have you every experimented in the bedroom?"

The question caught you off guard. "No," after a moment, "not really."

"Is it something you might consider?"


"On what?"

"What is it exactly are you wanting to try?"

How you found yourself naked on your bed will remain a mystery as Nick used his weight to pin you to the bed and your legs were wrapped his waist as he teased a nipple with his fingers. "Nicky," you moan.

He kissed around your neck and just under your ear and he whispered, "I want to wrap my hand around your neck." You sucked in air, unsure of his intentions. "I want to hold you in my hand and feel your throat as I fuck you senseless."

You pushed him away from you, suddenly very scared. You rush back into your cami and panties. "Nick..."

"I won't hurt you. It's just to give a sense of control. We'll use a safe word. You say it, I stop. Full stop." He caressed your cheek. "I would never intentionally hurt you, sweetheart."

"I don't know Nicky."

"How about we watch something that shows it?" Nick gave you that mischievous smile. "A little porn, if you will, so you can see what I mean. If you don't like it, we won't try. Promise."

The video Nick put on is sensual and turns you on as you watch the woman being held down by the delivery man and fucked into the mattress while he hled her by the neck. The woman seems to enjoy it and its starting to raise your arousal. Nick, of course, can tell. He can see the flush in your cheeks, the hard swallow in your throat. He begins to caress your exposed skin before pulling your silk cami over your head. He leans down to take one nipple in his mouth before tilting you down to lay flat.

The sounds coming from the video and inching your arosal higher and soon Nick is led over you. "Do you trust me gorgeous?" You swallow but nod. "I need words."

"I trust you," you whispered.

"Safe word?"


"Good girl." Nick smiles as he kisses you, running his hand down to your hip, grasping the top of your panties and pulling them down. As he comes off, he runs his hand back up your body and to your neck. He thumbs your cheek as he kisses you again to distract you as he lines up and pushes gently in. His hand slides down and cups your throat. You tense, still unsure, but you don't stop it. He applies a little pressure as he begins to thrust in and out of your rather soaked pussy.

"Nick," you gasp as your orgasm comes on fast. Nick can feel it, the ripples of your core on his hard cock.

"Fuck baby, that's it, so tight, gripping me. Cum for me baby," he applies just a fraction more pressure as he lifts you other leg over his hip to hit your g-spot harder and faster. "Be a good girl and cum."

Your eyes roll into the back of your head and your orgasm washes over you with a force you have never felt before. Stars, blinding lights, all the colors float through your mind and you can feel when Nick releases in you with a moan so loud you are sure the neighbors will call the cops.

He lets go of your neck and kisses away the redness, no bruise left behind. He lets both of your hearts calm before he gently pulls out to take care of you. Before he can walk away, you grab his hand. "Baby?"

You smile. "I like your hands on me. Everywhere."


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