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Z – Zenith

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Z – Zenith

Def – the highest point or peak

Six months after the wedding...

"I hate you!"

"I know."

"You did this to me!"

"I know."

Tears overwhelmed your face as you looked at Nick, who was still holding your hand despite your mean words. "I'm sorry," you whisper.

"I know, love, I know. You're almost there, my strong brave girl." He kissed your forehead.

"Nicky, I can't do this. It hurts," you cry as another contraction grips your belly.

Y"es, you can baby. You're almost there."

"Ok YN, I need a good push," the doctor says. "The head is crowning so give me one good one."

You bare down and grit your teeth as you push your baby into the world. "Breathe, baby, c'mon you got this," Nick says.

Who knew you were 8 weeks pregnant when you got married? This baby is coming a couple of weeks early but the doctors assured you that they were fully cooked and ready to go.

"The head is out," the doctor declared. "Another push YN and we get to meet your baby."

You pushed again and the doctor told you to hold off as the shoulders popped out.

"It's a girl!" The doctor held up your screaming infant in the air.

"A girl," Nick breathed as your new daughter was placed on your chest.

"Hi, baby, hi," your eyes flooded in tears as your daughter's cries dies down as she felt your skin on hers. "Oh my god, she's beautiful."

"She's perfect," Nick said. He kissed your forehead. "Thank you, YN."

Eight weeks later...

Nick's POV

I could listen to YN sing to our daughter forever. I watch from the doorway as she moves around the room with my princess in her arms, singing her to sleep. She put her in her crib and looked over at me, a finger pressed to her lips. I smile and wave her over. She exits and closes the door behind her, the baby monitor in her hand. "Finally," she whispers.

"Think she's gonna sleep for a while?"

"Probably a couple of hours. Why?"

"Wanna show you how much I love you." I kiss her gently on her lips. "I've missed you."

She smiles as she leans into me. "I've missed you too."

I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to our bed. The bed I'm pretty sure we made our daughter in. I sit YN on the edge of the bed, and I look down at her. Cupping her face, I pressed a kiss to her mouth, harder than before. She melts right into it before tugging at the hem of my shirt. I reach and pull it over my head before doing the same to hers.

"Fuck, you're gorgeous," I tell her as my eyes roam over her body. This body that carried our girl for nine months, that feeds her every day. I push her down to her back and lift her legs so that I can pull her shorts off. She's not wearing any panties. "Naughty girl." I can see her pussy glistening for me as her legs stay open. "Can I taste you, pretty girl?"

Your POV

You would never deny this man anything. You nod your head, and he dives right in, kissing, licking, sucking every inch of your pussy. You try to keep your cries to a minimum, trying not to wake your daughter, but he is way too talented with that tongue. "Nicky," you moan. "Please."

"Please what, gorgeous girl. Tell me what you need."

"I need to come. Please baby, please." You are withering on the bed, trying to move as he pins your to the mattress.

"Let go for me baby, fuck you taste amazing. "He sucks on your clit one more time and the stars explode behind your eye lids.

"That's it baby," he says as he kisses up your body, his fingers still working in and out. "Fuck, need to be inside you." He pulls his fingers but before you can protest, his cock slides right in. "Oh fuck!"

"Nick!" He bottoms out but still waits for you to adjust. "So big," you gasp.

"Still tight as fuck baby. God, I want to rail you but not right now. I want to make love to my wife, the mother of my child."

"I love you Nicky, so much." Nick doesn't thrust so much as rock into you, letting you feel every part of him. He kissed every inch of skin he could reach until you are about to combust. "I..."

"Its ok baby, I'm right behind you," he whispers. "We are there, the top. Its everything I ever wanted."

The pinnacle. The zenith.

On top of the world.

Just you, your daughter...

And Nick Vaughn. 


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