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R - Romance

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R - Romance

Work had been difficult the last few weeks. That big case involving Levinson had finally gone to the arbitration phase and it looked like it would go in your favor. Nick knew you had been stressed, working long hours and basically wanted a break from everything.

A package arrived at your office on Friday. "A delivery, Ms. YLN," your assistant said.

"Who's it from?"

She read the label. "From NV. Not sure who that is."

You smiled softly. NV, Nick Vaughn "Thank you Alissa. You can go for the day."

"Thank you, Ms. YLN." She put the box on your desk and left.

You went too open the box. On top was a note from Nick.

My darling YN, I'm so proud of all the work you done. You deserve a night out. I hope these fit. I love you, Nicky.

You pulled the tissue away to see an amazing green lace dress. "Oh Nicky," you whispered as you pulled it out. Next to them were some matching green heels. And another note.

Dinner is at 7.

You squealed a little and looked at your watch. It was 530 so plenty of time. You grabbed your makeup bag and headed to the bathroom. After touching up, you put on the dress and heels. As you grabbed your purse, a call came in from security. "Yes?"

There is a car here for you ma'am.

"Ok thank you." Really Nick, a car service. You shook your head, but the smile never left. You made it to the lobby and the doorman held the door for you as you climbed in. And waiting for you was champagne and two dozen roses. What the hell? You smelled the roses, smiling at the subtle scent and took the glass of champagne that was poured for you.

As you made your way to wherever Nick had planned, you reflected on your time with him. He had been on edge since that time with the train girl, Brooke, when you had met him. He had been playing at a club where you had sat down, waiting for a blind date. A date that never showed. He saw you sitting, looking more and more deflated as time went by. When the group had a break, he headed over and asked if you were ok. He had been sweet, just a guy noticing a girl.

He asked you to stay that night until he was done so he could walk you home. And before you knew it, it was morning. You had breakfast together, the conversation flowing. He walked you home and gave you a kiss on the cheek.

You had texted and talked for another six weeks before your next official date. That had been three years ago, and you were thankful for being stood up because otherwise, you wouldn't have Nick.

Arriving at your destination, you looked up to see that you were your favorite restaurant in New York. What was he up to? You made your way to the hostess. "Uh... Table for Vaughn?"

"Yes ma'am, right this way." She led you down to the back of the restaurant to a private dining room. That was filled with candles and flowers. And Nick, in a suit, is waiting for you.

"Nicky," you gasped, looking around. That romantic bastard had pulled off the most romantic surprise.

"Hey beautiful." He came over to place a sweet kiss. He ran his hands over your arms, causing goosebumps, the sensation of warmth spreading. "I wanted to celebrate how amazing you are."

"You didn't have to do all of this," waving your arm about.

"I wanted to, love." He pulled out a chair and got you seated. A waiter came in and poured you each a glass of champagne. As you toast, you notice something about Nick demeanor.

"Nick, what's going on? You seem... anxious, or excited."

"A little of both. I Have an idea." His eyes turn mischievous. He pulled out a gift-wrapped box.

He slid the box to you. You opened it and saw a pair of panties.

Nick grinned as he held up a remote.

"Do you want to play a game?"

Continued in "S"

Continued in "S"

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