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W – Wet

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W – Wet

Saturdays were always busy. After a bit of a lie in, with a satisfying wake up and then it was off to the races. Saturday was cleaning/shopping/organizing day for you and Nick, always busy during the week. The one rule was, no work on Sundays, so everything had to be done on Saturday.

Dishes had to be your least favorite chore, after cleaning the bathroom. But since Nick offered to always clean the bathroom, you were stuck with the dishes. You tried to keep up with them during the week but sometimes, your Saturdays have a few hours of kitchen duty.

Headphones in, your favorite smutty book on and off you went. Washing, drying, putting away. Cursing that you hadn't invested in a dishwasher yet and vowing with your next bonus you would get one. You have a tub full of soapy water, soaking a baking dish when a pair of strong arms wrap around you and help your hands with the wash.

"Nicky, you're gonna splash me and I'm gonna get all wet," you whined as he continued to "help" you.

"I like it when you're all wet," he murmured in your ear, kissing the skin right below it gently.

"Nick," you moaned quietly. "Stop, I have to finish."

He didn't stop, that bastard, and he dropped the plate into the water, splashing you, just as you predicted. "Oops."

"Nicholas!" The front of your white shirt is now drenched. Your nipples had pebbled from the wet and cold of the room. Nick could see the dark skin peeking through.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry. Here let me help you get this off." His hands drifted under the hem of your shirt and up your torso. His palms graced under your breasts, and you hummed at the sensation. He tweaked your nipples, and you groaned as he stiffened them further. "Always so responsive to my touch, love," he whispered. Desire pools down below as he doesn't let up. Finally, he grasps the hem and pulls over your shirt.

"I bet you're just as wet in your panties now, aren't you?" You nod as his hand drifts down into your leggings. He gets into your panties and runs just one thick finger through your folds. "Oh baby, you're soaked."

"Nicky," you breathe as he plays with your pussy, not entering, just swiping all of your wetness around your lips and clit. "Fuck, baby, ahh." He slides said finger in and slowly fucks you with it.

"You like that? My dirty girl, just letting me finger fuck her in the kitchen. Can you be my good girl and moan for me?" He wraps his fist around your hair and yanks your head back so he can kiss your lips. He slips two more fingers in and pumps, hitting your sweet spot. You break the kiss to moan out loud. You feel so full, so drenched at the juices leaking out of you.

You cry out as he circles his thumb around your clit and your orgasm crashes over you. "That's it baby, fuck, my hand is soaked." He removes his hand rapidly and spins you around. He yanks the leggings off and then lifts you onto the counter. You didn't even notice that he had gotten his pants down far enough to release his cock and he plunges inside you.

"Nicky, fuck, so full," you cry.

"That's it, baby girl. Fuck, taking me so well. It is almost wedding time but I think I could put a baby in there so you can be my baby mama when you walk down the aisle." His hips piston into you relentlessly. All you could do was hang on and enjoy the rise. The rise of another orgasm begins to build in your belly.

"Nick, I'm gonna cum. So good," you whine.

"Let go baby. Cum on my cock."

With a scream of his name, you cum so hard, you squirt a little and Nick follows right behind. He slows and leans his forehead on your chest as you both try to breathe.

"What has gotten into you baby?" You smooth out his sweat soaked hair.

"I don't know love, but I told you, I like you wet." He kissed your forehead.  "Can't wait to see you barefoot and pregnant in my kitchen, nice and wet, waiting for me to come home."


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