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C – Cum

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C – Cum

In the beginning, you were naturally a shy person.  It took a few coffee dates before Nick could take you on a real date. And even then, it took a few dates before he made it to third base.  Your shyness made getting into your pants hard work, but Nick was a very patient man. 

On your sixth date was when he finally got to feel how exquisite your pussy was.  He had convinced you to allow him to cook for you and with a meal of prawns with angel hair pasta paired with a crisp white wine.  Sitting in his apartment, wine glass in hand, Nick sits across from you, letting his fingers dance across your thighs. "Let me make you feel good, Princess." 

Really how are you supposed to say no to that?

After nodding, you found yourself on your back, panties on the floor, Nick playing with your pussy.  He was fucking right when he said his fingering was accurate.  He got you to cum twice, around his tongue and fingers before he got his pants off.  You didn't even remember seeing his shirt coming off, but his hidden tattoos were now on display. He climbed back on top of you, kissing your skin. "Can I feel you, princess?"

"I – uh- I'm on the pill," you studder. 

Nick does nothing but smile.  He grasps your thighs underneath to spread your legs wider and he nudges his tip at your entrance. He's big and you swallow.  Nick kisses you to distract from the pressure of his cock entering you. He fills you perfectly and all you can do is hold on.  He snaps his hips hard and fast, keeping a slow pace.  It's torturous and sinful and perfect.  As you adjust to his size, you dig in your nails into his forearms, needed to ground yourself.

Nick relishes the pain as he holds back from pounding you into the mattress.  Finally, he feels you relax, and he ups the pace, listening to the sweet sounds coming out as your body begins to build.  "N-nick, I don't, fuck, I don't know how much more I can last." 

"I know princess, can feel you strangling me.  Do you want to cum all over me?  Gotta tell me."

"Nicky!" You are almost at your release, just a few more snaps of his hips. 

"Let go! I got you, princess.  Cum for me!"

It's like an explosion, the sensation of satisfaction.  Your core clenches on him as you cum the hardest you have ever done. You literally black out from the force and come back to reality as Nick faulters slightly, chasing his own high.  Once, twice and he erupts in you, filling you with his warmth.  As he slows, your mind is hazy from the aftershocks, giving him a dopey smile. 

He pulls out of you and crawls down, looking at the mess between your legs.  He watches in fascination as some of his seed begins to escape your abused pussy. It runs out slowly, a mixture of the two of you.  "Oh baby, we don't want to waste that." He takes two fingers to scoop it up and push it back into you.  "I want you to feel me all night long and, in the morning, I'll fuck you again so you can feel my cum all day too." 

Nick Vaughn is the devil you didn't know you needed. 


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