4. Suspicions

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A gentle knock at the door has me perking up, staring in trepidation as it slowly creaks open to reveal Nesta's worried face. She tries to force a smile but it comes off pained and unsure.

"Feyre wants to talk to you." I glance down at where Oliver rests in my arms.

"I can stay with him." One look at my twin, at the steel in her eyes, has me nodding. She'll die before letting anything happen to him.

Once Nesta has settled in next Ollie I softly close the door, taking a steading breath before striding through the chaos of the house. Elain is apparently rounding up all the servants and giving them an early holiday. She's been at it for hours and the noise of carriages coming benign filled and people coming and going nearly woke up Ollie a number of times.

Elain smiles from her place in the foyer, pausing her commanding instructions long enough to gesture to the drawing room.

So Feyre is to remain hidden until the house is empty. A sad truth but a required safety precaution. My sister is quiet when I enter, offering me a hesitant smile from her perch before the hearth. It looks like she hasn't moved and I wonder if the shock that forced me to flee forced her to stay.

"Nesta tells me that Elain's fiance will treat her will." Feyre begins once i take my seat. Awkward small talk it is then.

"The father." I muse, pursuing my lips in thought. "That one knows how to wield truth and turn walls into cages of protection."

She winces at my words and I know I've hit my mark. So he was an abusive bastard then.

"You have that look." I murmur, voice flat and dead. "I've seen that look many times. Never thought I'd see it on you."

"Why not?" She croaks, not bothering to ask what look I mean.

I shrug, "I had always seen you as stronger than I."

She frowns, not understanding the solidarity I am trying to offer her. The comfort and reliability. No, she doesn't want to see it. For that's hurt and rage building in her eyes.

"It wasn't about strength." Her voice is strong and uncompromising. I'd be proud of her for that if it weren't for her misunderstanding my words. She clears her throat. "We were both grieving and our love for one another became a crutch and a life line."

"You don't owe me an explanation-"

"I want to." She murmurs, looking so vulnerable that I can't help but nod in agreement. "He kept me in a gilded cage, to save me - to protect me. And I think... I think what happened to him, to us, Under the Mountain broke him. The drive to protect at all costs, even my own well being... I think he wanted to stifle it, but he couldn't. He couldn't let go of it."

"You are free of him now." It's not a question but she nods anyway.

"I just... I just needed to know that you were still happy." Fey whispers and I freeze. "That you still adore Tomas in that way of yours, that you and Oliver are still having your weekly visits and are cared for. I... I need to know that it's still possible, that this isn't-"

She gestures openly, unable to put into words what she needs but I understand. I swallow heavily, realising that though I wanted to relate to Feyre, to support her as someone who understands what she really needs - wants - is to move on. To forget about Tamlin, to grow and learn how to love again.

"Yes.'' I whisper, putting on my best smile as I lean forwards, hands outstretched to clasp her hands in mine. "There is always more to life, Feyre. It is a beautiful messy road, there is no true ending for you of all people should know that life doesn't end with death. You will love, hate, cry and burn with emotions of every kind, that's what makes it life, little sister." I squeeze her hands, smiling through my tears as her own eyes water.

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