13. Confession

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He wasn't sure why he stayed, why he followed Isabella like a lost dog into the village, slinking from shadow to shadow even though he had told Isabella that he was heading back to the Night Court. Not that she believed him. Isabella stared at the shadows too often, peering around darkened corners and occasionally catching sight of him through the glamour.

She was so different from most humans. He didn't know the reason for that either. It wasn't some superficial thing. Not some ridiculous statement of 'I'm not like other humans' or 'I'm not like over females' as he had often heard. It was something intrinsic in her very being, in her responses, her reactions.

Isabella had endured more in life than many her age. Her story of poverty was one many shared here but there was something else. Azriel had his suspicions that it was to do with Oliver and her husband Tomas. He could see the way she dotes on him, out of love and guilt.

But there was a different kind of pain behind her eyes as well.

The boy wears a glamour of some kind

Not a glamour but a suppressant

A spell?

No, a poison.

She wouldn't harm her child. One of his shadows hissed to another.

They had been arguing the entire walk over to the village. Though it wasn't much of an argument considering they all agreed that there was something fae about Oliver. In truth it was the reason Azriel had come back to the human realm. A fascination, a desire to learn more about the small family.

He was under no illusions as to how a half fae, half human child was most likely to come about. The rage that kept threatening to drown him at the thought was surprising. Azriel knew that he and his brothers had a natural instinct to care for others, especially ones that reminded them of mothers and sisters who were beaten and broken by cruel males.

This was different. This felt personal. He saw the way Isabella had frozen when Annalise had handed her the pouch. A shadow had instinctively curled around her wrist, scanning both the contents and Isabella's reaction.

A shadow Azriel couldn't control. That would be the second reason he had come back to the human realm so soon. His shadows had been disappearing and apparently they were turning up in the human realm. They too were curious about the female though Azriel's heart clenched at the thought. At the question of why.

You know why we like her.

You're just scared to admit it.

Especially with all those questions you seem to have lately.

Yes yes. Why is her son fae, why does she have such an interesting mind, why is she with that man instead of me.

Enough. He snapped at their voice harshly as every instinct stood on end at Isabella's hasty retreat. Enchanted Ring on a golden chain.

So that's what's suppressing Oliver's scent and potential power. For a moment rage threatens to boil over, that she would hide her own child, potentially cause him harm but-

It's not oppressive enough to hurt him. Nor does it cause any long lasting effects.

It's like a glamour, to stop him from being recognised.

It does little to sooth Azriel's rage, the thought of yet another child suffering at their parent's hand grating on him. But he waits. Waits until they are back in the tree covered path with Oliver far ahead before dropping the glamour.

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